2013 Singer/Stamps Weekend Decisions

<p>It will be great if they can get the decisions out fast. </p>

<p>Biocellar: what is the “cognate” system?</p>

<p>there are no predetermined singer scholars. it’s based entirely on how well the interview goes…</p>

Dr. Green talked about the cognate system that will be used to bundle Gen Ed. classes into triplet themes so that incoming students can follow their areas of interest. There will be packets coming in the mail in a few weeks discussing cognate. Hard for me to summarize here but by example if your son or daughter has an interest in music, chemistry and US history then a theme can be built around his/her interests and classes can be recommended (a cognate) that enable your child to pursue those interests and fulfill the general ed requirements. Rather than the school saying you “must take chem 101, History of the World 103 and Art 102” as a way to fulfill the requirements the interest of the student will lead to how the requirement is fulfilled. Hope this makes some sense.</p>

<p>^kidfromthebeach, I would just add that, in my view, minimum stats play a big role too. The purpose of the interview is likely to see if you represent the image and will uphold the qualities of a “Singer Scholar / Foote Fellow”. As with any interview, if you have an OK interview, and if you have very strong stats then I think you are in the running. If you have a terrible interview and weaker stats (compared to others invited) then I think you’d be out of the selection.
My guess is that based on all the stats of other Singers that have posted in CC in the past a student will need 34+ ACT or equivalent SAT, near perfect SAT IIs, uw GPA near 4.00 and at least top 5% maybe even higher class rank. I think one would also need a stand out EC (something that differentiates you).</p>

<p>I would assume that each school gets an allocation of Foote and Singer scholars as well, and the standards for the music school might not be the same as for marine science or engineering or business. ACT 31 was the minimum listed to be elligible on the web site. I’m sure its an allocation math problem just like in the model class.</p>


Those are things/qualifications that get you INVITED to the weekend. Once you’re invited, you are on an equal playing field with every other candidate, and the scholarship decision is based on the interview. Stats determine invitation; the interview determines scholarship/FF.</p>

<p>How does that work if the interviews do not follow the same general format?</p>

<p>Therealnj, my opinion is that even though the interviews are different, I’m sure the interviewers are well-aware of the criteria they are judging students by and are intelligent enough to format their own interviews in a way that will somehow allow them to evaluate the students on the stated criteria. From my knowledge, they’re obviously looking for a kid with top stats, but everyone at the weekends already has that. I think what they are trying to discern from the interview are things like a natural curiosity, leadership skills, being a “thinker” and a good representative for the school, and an essential drive to change the world around them. For example, in the email I received from the Foundation to set up my interview with Mr. Stamps, it said “We are looking for candidates who best exemplify our values of leadership, scholarship, service, innovation, and perseverance.”</p>

<p>Quite honestly, I’m not sure how I was chosen as a finalist. My interviewer asked me 2 questions (Why UM, and activities I would do besides class/research at UM). I mean, we talked about the construction of a brain imaging center and sinkholes for a solid 5-10 minutes of my 35 minutes interview. But obviously, something set me apart. Maybe it was my ability to actually have good conversation, maybe it was my utter sincerity (as in, no BS answers, all truth… and friendly tip- from truth, stems passion that bleeds through your words), or maybe it was my legitimate want to learn everything possible and change the world. I can’t really tell you why I was chosen, but what I can tell you is that the things they are looking for can come forth in any interview format and if it doesn’t, well then, I suppose that means you don’t truly embody their view of an ideal candidate.</p>

<p>I hope this somewhat helps clear up any confusion in respect to the criteria and varying interview formats!</p>

<p>^Nishanik, great post. I think you hit the nail on the head on what the interviewers and Stamps foundation are looking for in a scholar.</p>


There’s a standard evaluation rubric that the interviewers complete. Nothing crazy.</p>

<p>Thanks SeekingUni…rubric of course!</p>

<p>I assume no one has heard from the 2nd Singer weekend yet?</p>

<p>Nothing here.
Looks like we will wait till after the Holiday.</p>

<p>My guess would be April 3rd, no reason, just a feeling.</p>

<p>Happy Easter everyone.</p>

<p>can I just bump what nishanik said? I try and tell everyone at the weekends I can something along those lines, but that was a great way to put it. I only hope you’ll be majoring in social sciences haha!</p>

<p>Are there more singer weekends? I got my acceptance like three weeks ago and I got $24,000 President’s scholarship. I really want to be part of the Foote Fellows. Does anyone know if they are still sending invites?</p>

<p>My son just heard from UM (Cristi email) that he did not get Singer. He was awarded Gables @ $4k additional. We are very proud of our son’s achievements.</p>

<p>Best of luck to everyone else.</p>

<p>Congrats to your son Biocellar! My D the same and yes…so proud of this accomplishment and all those that will follow in her future! Congrats and best wishes to all the future Canes!</p>

<p>Biocellar, did he receive Foote Fellow designation?</p>

<p>Marinebio444, email was silent on FF. what are your thoughts?</p>

<p>Sounds like he unfortunately did not receive FF.</p>

<p>My D got Gables 4k, now 26k total, and Foote. Very Happy Marine Science/Chemistry/Environmental Engineering major. ACT 32 to 2/3rds off list price for perhaps the best program in the world in her area of interest. Watched the 30 on 30 episode last night and can’t get that “It’s all about the U” tune out of our heads!</p>