2013 summer intern program for (mainly) Bio majors

<p>The HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology is a non-profit organization located in Huntsville, AL. It has a three-fold mission of conducting genomics-based research to improve human health and well being; sparking economic development; and providing educational outreach to nurture the next generation of biotech researchers and entrepreneurs, as well as to create a biotech literate public.</p>

<p>Each summer, HudsonAlpha operates an internship program called BioTrain. This program targets high school through graduate students and provides experiences such as in-depth laboratory research and sometimes in other areas such as marketing and business strategy. Some opportunities are with HudsonAlpha’s resident faculty investigators and others are with one of the resident associate for-profit companies on the HudsonAlpha campus. Interns develop lab skills and also get access to professional networking opportunities.</p>

<p>The program is open only to residents of Alabama or students attending school in Alabama. So, all you OOSers, your students are eligible after their freshman year!</p>

<p>It’s an 8-week long summer program that pays college students $12 an hour. For OOS students, there are a limited number of housing spots offered at no additional cost, but the student would be responsible for their own transportation.</p>

<p>If you’re interested, mark your calendar to check the HudsonAlpha website in early January of next year. This year, applications were accepted from January 15 through February 15. There were only 21 advertised slots available this year for paid positions.</p>

<p>My daughter was notified earlier today that she received one of the spots!! She’ll be working for a company doing cancer research. I have a friend who works onsite for another one of the for-profit companies, and she said once a student gets an internship, if that company continues to have money available, they frequently ask that student to come back during long breaks and the next summer as well, providing the student has done a good job. (D applied the summer between junior and senior years of high school and was not accepted, so she’s flying high on a cloud right now!)</p>

<p>Say good-bye to Taco Bell!!!</p>

<p>so excited for her!</p>

<p>Thanks, Anna! She was so excited when she called home earlier. I could tell right away from her voice that she was offered the position.</p>

<p>My son’s GF did this last summer and liked it. </p>

<p>This is really good for pre-health students and bio majors.</p>

<p>Sounds like a great experience!</p>

<p>Thanks for the post! Son is a mechanical engineering major, but is interested in the biotech field. We’ll check this out for sure! Where would the housing be and would the student need a car?</p>

<p>I’m not sure where the housing would be. We live here in town so that wasn’t a concern.</p>

<p>The website does say students who take advantage of the free housing would need their own transportation.</p>

<p>You can still see this year’s research opportunities on the website. Click the Education link/tab, then click the one for Biotrain. I think this year there were a couple things that might interest your son, Montegut.</p>

<p>Thank you again for the info. Following your instructions, I actually did find something son would have liked and will try for next year. We still don’t know what we’re doing this summer. May be more summer classes just to ease up the upcoming semesters.</p>

<p>My nephew is graduating in biology from a Virginia school, so I’ve sent the info to my sister. He was looking at a similar company in Virginia, but my sister works some in Huntsville now, so this might be a good fit for them, too.</p>

<p>Thanks again for the info. Good to have a heads up for earlier next year. A friend in the DC area contacted us about an opportunity up there around Thanksgiving time, and the deadline had already past, in October!, so one really has to get a head start on applying for internships. </p>

<p>Hope your daughter has a great experience, and please let us know how she likes it!</p>

<p>* Where would the housing be and would the student need a car?*</p>

<p>Housing isn’t provided. students would have to find housing…perhaps subletting from a UAH student. A car would be needed.</p>

<p>Here’s the information about the limited housing for students who don’t live in the Huntsville area:</p>

<p>Is housing available as part of BioTrain?</p>

<p>BioTrain expects to have limited housing available for participants selected from outside of the greater Huntsville area. Housing will be provided at no additional cost to the participant. Participants will be housed at the University of Alabama Huntsville, however transportation to and from HudsonAlpha will not be provided. Although housing is expected to be offered on this limited basis, the availability is subject to change as funding permits.</p>