2014 Admissions Decisions RD

<p>@agg999 did you get your acceptance yet? I don’t think you will see it unless you do. </p>

<p>@crazymomof4 No. I didn’t get the acceptance yet. Are you sure they are planning to release decisions on the 21st this year?</p>

<p>I was accepted last week and received a Financial aid letter earlier this week. I called VA tech to discuss a problem in my letter she told me some of the applications decisions and financial aid letters for student were released prematurely. They are true and legitimate acceptances, just they were not planning on releasing when they did</p>

<p>Regular decision acceptances are already being sent out guys. First ones got sent on the 24th of February. They come in waves</p>

<p>@ag999. Yes, I am sure about the 3/21 date. When I called to find out how to send her most recent transcript I asked. I was told the letters are mailed in the am and the decisions are posted after 5pm that night. I was extremely shocked when my daughter got her envelope in the mail so early. The online port had not changed. Then it changed online…then she got an email about financial aid…then the COE welcome letter came thru email. It said 1500 freshman would be accepted into the COE. Just yesterday she got an email about a womens engineering function. Hope that timeline helps. </p>

<p>If you haven’t heard anything yet (either acceptance or honors) don’t worry. VT starts sending out acceptances well before the scheduled decision date. But, it doesn’t mean that the first acceptances are the “cream” and later ones borderline. The same is true for honors. They try to get out the information as soon as possible because they know everyone wants to know the decisions right away. The downside is that the process causes unnecessary stress to those who haven’t heard yet. </p>

<p>Best wishes to all. It’s a great school.</p>

<p>Just curious to know: How do we know if we got accepted to General Engineering (if I get accepted, of course)? Does VA Tech post major details along with acceptance or do we actually have to wait for the snail mail. Expecting admission notification in 1-2 weeks.</p>

<p>I just checked on twitter and I see that a few in-staters are getting their acceptances. No one from NOVA yet though.</p>

<p>@aglasson My daughter got the Hokie Bird, and when I pressed the financial aid link, there was an actual financial aid award letter offering her package, complete with VT student ID number. I called the office to ask if that meant she has been accepted, because nothing has arrived in the mail here in Fairfax yet. I got a sort of answer, and the financial aid award letter has not been available on-line since (I’m glad I printed it!). From what you say, it sounds like this is great news, and that my daughter has in fact been accepted. It makes sense- why would they prepare a financial aid award letter for someone they are rejecting?</p>

<p>The web acceptance will tell you what major you are accepted in. At least that is what happened with my brother 3 years ago with GE.</p>

<p>Can someone post a screenshot of where you’re seeing the financial information? Because all I see when I login is my application info, nothing about financial stuff. I did submit the FAFSA and scholarship applications. </p>

<p>When you log in to the VT Information System, the following appears under Application Menu. First is the heading “Applicant”, under which is “Applicant Name” with the student’s name. Right under that is a small cartoon Hokie on the left side with the sentence “You may have financial aid.” Below that is a link saying “View Financial Aid Award Information,” which for one day linked to a Financial Aid Award Letter, but which now brings up a page saying that no information is available at this time. Back on the page with the cartoon Hokie, the next link down says “View financial aid shopping sheet information,” which does not work right now. Under that is the Processed Applications section, which has been there from the beginning.</p>

<p>@skedeebs Thanks! I guess I just don’t have one then, ha. I am in-state in the Hampton Roads area and none of my friends have heard, nor do any of us see such a section… so I guess it’s just a waiting game!</p>

<p>I’ve always wondered, why do OOS applicants get accepted before IS applicants?</p>

<p>The news from VT didn’t come to Fairfax in the mail today. This is why I am holding out hope that the financial aid award letter meant something. I suppose it’s only 13 days until the 21st, in any case.</p>

<p>@ag999. The online portal does not indicate the COE… The letter in the mail said general engineering and she also got an email from the COE. Unfortunately you will need to wait for snail mail or email. </p>

<p>The financial info is just loans and grants …not scholarships!!! The financial award info on the portal is all based on the FAFSA!! Merit awards won’t be given out till April!!</p>

<p>@crazymomof4 so I guess if I am accepted, I shouldn’t be too happy? </p>

<p>Why wouldn’t you be happy?</p>

<p>@crazymomof4 because I wouldn’t know my major.</p>