2014 Admissions Decisions RD

<p>@crazymomof4 - I am not sure to which posts you were responding in saying that scholarships won’t be until April, but that is good to know. My question was more whether the school would prepare Financial Aid Award Letters to all applicants, or only to those accepted to the college. It seems a waste of resources for VT to prepare such letters and assign student ID’s for all applicants, as opposed to only for accepted applicants. I certainly hope that scholarships might be possible, as well.</p>

<p>My son received a merit aid award letter in the mail yesterday (Va Tech Scholars Scholarship). We are OOS. Nothing about any kind of financial aid (merit or otherwise) on his portal as of this time.</p>

<p>We saw the financial aid page info too. Then it was no longer on the page. I am glad we printed it. Still no official letter or email.</p>

<p>Ag999 you will find out your major in the email or snail mail. The portal doesn’t show it. As for aid, I am only going by what we were told. Things could change at any time I’m sure. </p>

<p>Is the VT Scholars Scholarship renewable? I thought I saw something indicating it was only a one year deal.</p>

<p>I don’t know about the VT Scholars scholarship in general, but the one that my son received is not renewable. </p>

<p>They need to make that very clear. Otherwise it boarders on the deceptive. This is the first time I’ve seen a general university merit scholarship for freshmen that is not renewable. </p>

<p>Still waiting on acceptance and financial aid offer. Nothing posted on portal. Hopefully we hear something by end of this month. (instate) Anyone hear anything about student admit days. We want to visit once acceptances come out. </p>

<p>I think there is an accepted sident event on April 13th. I saw a post on the c/o '18 Facebook page</p>


<p>My daughter received an email about visiting April 12th and 13th…women in engineering I think. </p>

<p>Getting used to being disappointed by the mail. I guess it makes sense that Northern Virginia would have the most applicants, and would therefore be the last region to be done and receive decisions. Can someone describe how the application status page changes once they are announcing the decision, please?</p>

<p>Feel the same skedeebs, waiting patiently in va beach.</p>

<p>@sealsfamily That makes sense. That’s the other major population center they have to work with. Let’s be sure to post as soon as we hear, so others will know when to expect an answer.</p>

<p>Waiting in Northern Virginia. (fairfax county)</p>

<p>I just received a Financial Aid Update mail from VA Tech. Pretty sure that is not an indication of anything though.</p>

<p>Still waiting in Hampton Roads. Beginning to think that ‘yes’ decisions went first…feeling like a ‘no’ is coming this way. </p>

<p>@spritie that is not true. Only OOS students and very few in-state (mostly cadets) got their results. If you see last year’s threads many people got in on March 21.</p>

<p>will do skedeebs</p>

<p>@agg999 is correct. The 2 people in my school (VB) who got offered admission a couple weeks ago applied for the Corps of Cadets. I would imagine we will see the website offer before we get the actual mailed letter at this point. At least that is what happened with my brother a few years ago. Hang in there. I am trying to stay positive too.</p>