2014 Admissions Decisions RD

<p>Received email that financial aid is being reviewed and everyone will received Financial aid letters in April. </p>

<p>Hang in there guys! I’m thinking out of state must have gone out first or maybe just specific majors… When I called about the transcript I was told 3/21. I still think that’s their firm date for the major release of letters. @skedeebs I checked my daughter’s portal for you and there’s no indication of anything on the main page except a HOKIE next to financial award. When I click that I see her FAFSA information… nothing merit. When I go under ADMISSION TERM it says Fall 2014 and University Honors Application. Nothing next to either of those. When I click FALL 2014 It says OFFERED ADMISSION next to DECISION. There it explains how to send in your money or decline. They did change the Honors application status too… it used to say it was reviewed and scored but now it says it has been closed to applications. I think you have to go into the FALL 2014 link to see if a decision has been posted.</p>

<p>The admissions lady said letters would go out in the mail in the AM but the decision wouldn’t be posted online until after 5pm on that date. My suggestion is to just check everyday just in case. </p>

<p>In my daughter’s case the online portal showed nothing but the letter came in the mail. Took us by surprise. She also received emails about the acceptance. Hope this helps those of you still waiting. Fingers crossed!</p>

<p>Thanks for the info @crazymomof4 . I suppose that the trick is to check at 5 pm each day now. The mail certainly was of no help today. I suppose we will run out of days to hear early pretty soon, anyway.</p>

<p>Anyone apply non-honors to university studies? I’m in Hampton Roads and a friend of mine who applied to ROTC got his turkey today. I know from seniors before me that VT sorts through its applications starting with Honors students, then ROTC/specific majors, and finally non-honors and not-so-popular majors (more/less anything not engineering or STEM related).</p>

<p>No sign of a Hokie on my page, was wondering if there was anyone who I could coordinate with!</p>

<p>@LeSora I’m in your exact situation, except i’m from NOVA.</p>

<p>@gnippaf DUDE. WE GOT THIS. </p>

<p>@LeSora I guess next Friday is the day of truth.</p>

<p>Well, I hoped that Friday would be the magic day, but the mail was as lame as can be. It would make sense for them to do the release on the web after 5 on a Friday, but I am starting to agree with @gnippaf that we truly have that week still to wait.</p>

<p>i just happened to check the portal yesterday and found that i got accepted ! It really took me by surprise. </p>

<p>@megaTSHI where are you from?</p>

<p>The randomness of this process is very confusing. </p>

<p>@skedeebs Tell me about it. I’ve been checking my portal like a madman knowing full well there probably won’t be any changes :stuck_out_tongue: But I have my fingers crossed hard, VT is my #1.</p>

<p>@megaTSHI congrats! @LeSora I have been looking a lot, as well, and I really hope you get in.</p>

<p>@skedeebs Back at ya! No matter what, it’s six days and counting. If this is anything like my last app, it will be a <em>long</em> six days, haha. And @megaTSHI That was awkwardly rude of me not to congratulate you, so, congratulations! </p>

<p>I’m a VT 2018 hopeful too!! Hopefully everyone here will get accepted on Friday. Good luck guys. :)) </p>

<p>Will we get an email when VT rolls out admission announcements?
Do we wait for the mailed letter, check our email, or keep checking online?</p>

<p>The letters will be mailed out the morning of, and the portal will change after 5 p.m that day.I have no idea when to expect an email.</p>

<p>I don’t want to be ridiculous, but is that “sometime after 5 pm,” or will it be right after 5 pm? </p>

<p>From what I’ve heard, it’s at 5 p.m, but I can’t be entirely sure. I bet someone who was accepted ED could tell you though.</p>

<p>I would just check every day… JMU gave a specific date of 1/15 I think but the decision showed up online earlier in the week just before 5. Good luck to all those waiting!!</p>