2014 Admissions Decisions RD

<p>Hokie bird, in state, natural resources.</p>

<p>@crazymomof4 How can you say that the Hokie bird doesn’t mean anything? You have a Hokie bird and your child was admitted…</p>

<p>Tomorrow is the day everyone!! Prepare your bodies! :)>- </p>

<p>Just saw the post on the VT Admissions facebook page saying tomorrow after 5pm is the day. Here we go again…
Good Luck everyone.</p>

<p>@col711… I said the hokie Bird had nothing to do with her admission decision. When she got accepted there wasn’t a Hokie. It did not appear until the FAFSA information appeared. It wasn’t an indication of acceptance. Nothing appeared when she got accepted. In fact, it wasn’t even online when the letter came in the mail. </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone! I’m so nervous about my decision since the engineering is my top choice, I’m going to be so out of it until 5pm. I don’t mean to sound needy but let me know what you think my chances are.
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/virginia-tech/1625437-engneering-chances.html?new=1”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/virginia-tech/1625437-engneering-chances.html?new=1&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I think you have a great chance. Good Luck.</p>

<p>@booboo96 thank you, I appreciate it!</p>

<p>You’re welcome. Waiting is almost up. I was deferred ED, so I have been waiting a long time. Hope I get better results this time. My brother is a junior ME major at VT right now. I am applying for Biology. Good Luck.</p>

<p>are all of us going to find out what college/major we got into or will we have to wait on a specific email?</p>

<p>I know my brother found out he was accepted GE back 3 years ago when he logged-in during ED. Not sure if that will still the case.</p>

<p>Decisions are out a bit early.I GOT IN!!! asdfghjkl</p>

<p>daughter accepted to College of Engineering!</p>

<p>Wait-listed…so, basically a denial. Very sad.</p>

<p>My daughter got in to the College of Ag.</p>

<p>Page isn’t loading. Too many people trying to get on at the same time</p>

<p>The thrill of getting in was muted by a simultaneous rejection by UVA. I think I know where this family’s loyalties lie now.</p>

<p>@skedeebs…forget UVA! VT is waayyyyy better! Go Hokies! Congrats!!</p>

<p>@crazymomof4 Thanks. This is the thinking from here on out. We have never been to Blacksburg, but will be making the trip, regardless of how the rest of her applications turn out.</p>

<p>Dang, got wait-listed. Chances are that i’m not getting in either. Welp, Penn State it is I guess.</p>