2014 African Americans!

<p>yeah, I’m still a liitle confused about it. But the other day I got something from questbridge explaning the difference between all of them. I am thinking about it but I’m not sure if it would be an advantage to apply early to a school versus doing it through questbridge. So if you apply by SCEA to one school then you can’t do SCEA to another school? But it is also not binding, you can apply to other schools at that time also right? Isn’t that the same for EA but it is binding? </p>

<p>Hey when does school start for you guys?</p>

<p>hey everyone! im an african american female from new jersey :)</p>

<p>hey Jerib92 nice to meet you.</p>

<p>OMG! I am nothing compared to you guys! I’m hoping that my low income family and me going to a public school in NYC helps explain why I’m such a failure lol. Well, let me introduce myself (academically):</p>

<p>GPA: UW 3.3/ W 3.4
Rank: Top 15%
SATs: 520 CR/570 M/ 500 W (hoping to raise my score 400 pts haha like thats possible =|)
SAT IIs (where I screwed up big time): Biology M 450/ Math I 550
ECs: A lot!
Courses: Everything AP except for Spanish and Gov’t… my worst subjects</p>

<p>I am applying to:</p>

<p>Columbia College ED
Susquehanna U (safety)
SUNY Stony Brook and U at Albany (safeties)</p>

<p>and these schools through Questbridge if I get in:
U Chicago

<p>I meant to mention does anyone plan on doing HEOP? I think my only chance at Columbia, NYU, and Barnard would be HEOP.</p>

<p>lol I luv your username Haha I win </p>

<p>o wow your doing questbridge too! But check out the requirements for the match, cause I was just in another thread about questbridge and it looks like you can’t use ACT or SAT I and II scores after the last ones that were given in June. check out this link [National</a> College Match - Selection Criteria](<a href=“http://www.questbridge.org/cmp/criteria.html]National”>http://www.questbridge.org/cmp/criteria.html)</p>

<p>Also what is HEOP?</p>

<p>Hmm, well I remember reading somewhere on the site to have all of your testing done by the Oct. testing date. But if what you said is true, then I’m screwed lol. </p>

<p>And HEOP (Higher Education Opportunity Program) is a program in New York State for economically disadvantaged students with slightly lower GPA, test scores. For example, to do HEOP at NYU all you need is to get a 1000-1250 (CR+M) and have a 3.0 GPA while their regular applicant pool has a 1300+ (CR+M) and 3.8 GPAs. This program pays for all expenses (tuition, room & board, books etc.) and also gives academic and social support (such as tutors, and counselors). You do however, have to do a summer school program the summer before you start your freshman yr to get you “up to par”. It is a really good program though, and there is also a national program called NOP (National Opportunity Program) similar to NOP for those who live outside of NY. I know that Columbia also participates in this program.</p>

<p>yeah I read about something like that too. But what they have on the site is wrong cause somebody from the questbridge thread e-mail them and they said this:</p>

<p>They told me that SAT scores in October can be sent directly to the schools you rank for the CollegeMatch process. Those scores will be fully considered for the big decision in early December.</p>

<p>Oh that’s a good program. At first when I thought this program was only for NY students but then you but the NOP. That’s a pretty cool program I need to check it out. It reminds me kind of of the scholarship we have here in Florida called Bright futures. Depending on you SAT/ACT and gpa and community service it determines if you get 75-100% of a public university in Florida paid. But only Florida residents can apply to it. But I think they are going to change the pay to individual credits now cause of budget cuts.</p>

<p>Anyways thanks for the info!</p>

<p>hmmmm i see questbridge comes up quite a lot on this board…im admittedly not well versed with the program though, i mean i understand what its about but are there any disadvantages to applying to college through questbridge? has anyone ever been screwed over by them?</p>

<p>i said before that i plan on applying to penn ED but my mind is slowly starting to change about that, my sister (Who went to an ivy) has been asking me to reconsider doing ED, and after conversations with her i’ve realized that part of me still would like to be able to see what other schools would accept me (this is all assuming penn accepts me, <em>crossing fingers</em>)</p>

<p>lol well i said all of that because maybe applying through questbridge (again, assuming they accept me lol) would give me the oppurtunity to apply to more schools and still be able to know where im going by january…</p>

<p>ugh…im so confused and the process hasnt even started yet haha</p>

<p>o your thinking of applying to penn ed too bellanaija, that’s great. yeah I know what you mean, for the past couple of months I’ve been trying to go to the questbridge forum to get a better understanding of the program and other people’s experiences from it. I’m not quite sure what I want to do either. I was thinking of doing Penn either through ED, questbridge or RD but there is so many factors to each one. The only thing about questbridge is in the beginning you can put up to 8 schools that you would like to go to if you become a finalist. You but the schools 1-8 one being your top choice. I’m guessing Penn is your top school so you would but that as number one. But then let’s say Pnn didn’t accept you then it would go onto your second school that you put on the list, and so on until someone from your list accepts you. A lot of schools are binding so let’s saw you got accepted to Yale but then decided that you wanted to got to UF because you didn’t get into your first choice, well you couldn’t cause you are already binded to Yale. It can be hurtful if you decide to do something like that. But it’s a good program overall. Hope that makes sense. </p>

<p>What school within penn are you trying to get into?</p>

<p>thanks BlackRose21! that was really helpful, just like you im still not sure if i wanna apply through questbridge…</p>

<p>im trying to get into SAS at penn since none of the other schools are of interest to me lol, im personally not a science or math lover…</p>

<p>how about you???</p>

<p>Hey guys. Surprised that this thread i so popular but I thought I might as well post in it.</p>

<p>Right now only weakness is a low GPA at 3.4 UW. However that is taking one of the strongest course loads at school while also being average-good with SAT/ACT and EC’s and really good with community service which I hope will help me stand out. Here are all the match/reach schools on my list (don’t see a point in listing safety’s). </p>

<p>Live in NC so no real advantage</p>

<p>UVA (Double legacy and multiple other family members have attended)
William and Mary
Georgia Tech

<p>Wish you all the best and don’t be afraid to apply to schools where you think you have no chance. I’ve talked to admissions deans, counselors and students at UVA, William and Mary and Davidson and they all say that you will never be denied because of one statistics (within reason of course).</p>

<p>I FINALLY have narrowed down my colleges to: </p>

UNC-Chapple Hill
Induana U (safety)
Michigan State
Boston U </p>

<p>I’m looking forward to college. Anyone else?</p>

<p>Nice list spark although its interesting that no 2 of them are in the same state. What state do you live in and which one is your top pick? </p>

<p>Also I hav a friend who is interested in USC and loves the campus and environment based on his visit.</p>

<p>I live in Indiana. My top choice school is USC or Cornell. I’d be excited if I am able to attend either one. I haven’t been able to visit either school, as getting to New York and California has been a bit of struggle. What’s your top school Virginiafan? I really like UVA too, but I’m a little concerned about the class sizes. I don’t want to be just a number. What has been some of your family member’s opinions about the school?</p>

<p>I am SO looking to college! lol!
Virginiafan13, are you applying to Duke or UNC (since you live in NC)?</p>

<p>Spark, right now my top school is UVA but I would be more than happy to go to GT or W&M. Your question is a good one. Honestly everybody who was in my family who went to UVA loved it. THis includes both past and current generations as my cousin who is in her late twenty’s graduated from there relatively recently enough with her now husband (who actually played on the football team and is a cool guy). I have heard from some people that they feel like the school is turning into a cocky prep institution but you will find those students at all schools like UVA (UNC, UMichigan, etc.). However even if its not for you, you should be fine because your list is really good. </p>

<p>Also Melody, that is a really good and funny question? I go to a private school right now in Raleigh NC (center of Duke, UNC and NC State). If you were to ask anybody else at my school with above a 3.0 GPA, then they would say that they are applying to at least one of them. Our College counselor is great friends with UNC and so we get a little bit of an edge. Also most of students parents went to UNC or Duke so you have the whole legacy thing. However I have never for once thought about applying to either. If UNC had an engineering program then I would do it but it doesn’t and NC State is just way to close for me. THe problem with Duke is that…well it’s Duke. Those aren’t the only reasons, its just that neither really stood out at schools where I feel like I would succeed and be happy for what are supposed to be the best 4 years of your life.</p>

<p>Got my list :slight_smile: Depaul being my #1</p>


oh your welcome. Glad that I could help, I was afraid that I kind of overloaded you there. No way your applying to the school of applied science, me too! I’m really interested in their digital media design program. Do you know what u want to do in there. lol yeah same here I’ not much of a math and science person. By the way do u know if they put the applications out online? Is those applications for this year or last year.</p>

<p>By the way when do u guys go back to school?</p>

<p>Virginiafan, I may be applying to Duke, but I don’t know that much inside info about it (I’ve only read their website). Have you heard negative reviews on Duke?
Ahh! It’s almost August and we’re so close to being seniors!</p>

<p>I can kind of answer that question Melody. For one, I really don’t know too much about Duke. Obviously it is a great school but I have never been interested in it. A lot of people in my class are applying because they like it for its academics and rep. However I do have one comment from a friends dad (also was my soccer coach) who went there and still is involved in alumni stuff. He personally does not want his son to go there because he feels like it is becoming a preppy school where the self-named elite students go. Now if you read my last post you will see that both UVA and UNC are also given that stereotype. However he has watched the school since he went there and feels like its changed. I know that Duke is a good institution. However I feel like I can go to one just as good like UVA, William and Mary or GT and get just as good an education and enjoy my 4 years of college. Thats the most important piece in making your decision. I would suggest you maybe take a look in the Duke section and see what other students have said. Maybe they have some inside information.</p>