2014 African Americans!

<p>I think we need our own thread just because we're great, hardworking people ( not that most other people on this board aren't). :) Where are you applying and how are essays coming?</p>

<p>Brown University ED!</p>

<p>Been working on them since December. Haha</p>

<p>Yale EA! I’m nervous for this one. I just read your responses to that kid about affirmative action being unfair. We’re all trying our best to succeed here. Geez!</p>

<p>Yeah, you know, AA will benefit us, but when it comes down to it, you’re damned if you do (i.e. Kids that call you Oreo for being successful and make fun of you for doing something different, whether black or not; people who say you only got in because you are a minority) and damned if you don’t (you’ll end up with the kids who made fun of you in the first place and it’ll be more fuel for the fire)</p>

<p>So, what can we really do? Prove that we deserve it, dammit. Be ballsy! :)</p>

<p>Hell yea. I completely agree with you. I got to a predominantly white private school and have been called an oreo plenty of times. It doesn’t deter me at all from my goals. It just makes me work harder just to prove them wrong. I’ve been thinking about it and the only solution to this problem is to NOT give people a reason to think that we don’t deserve to go to great schools. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done.</p>

<p>6th post
hey all</p>

<p>why does working hard and having goals for the future make you an oreo? Being successful is a white thing? I don’t think so.
(I’m white btw)</p>

<p>Believe it or not, that is true.</p>

<p>Or so I’ve been told all my life.</p>

<p>to be honest I think that’s racist towards blacks and whites. Labeling blacks as the race that isn’t driven to study and work hard toward success and whites as the elitist degree holders. **** like that ****es me off. Screw them.</p>

<p>Of course it’s racist, but what can you do to change culture? </p>

<p>It’s a pretty common thread amongst blacks that succeed, this idea that blacks musn’t stray from the norm, or risk alienation. All you can really do is defeat it.</p>

<p>I’m glad you made this thread, thefranchize9!
I’m pretty sure I’ll be applying somewhere early…but I’m not really sure yet. :slight_smile: But I’m starting to fill out the Common App.
Wow, Obstinate, you’ve been working on your essays since December? If that’s not dedication I don’t know what is!</p>

<p>To johokat, the problem is on both sides and i’m glad you feel the way you do. White people call articulate black people oreos because we sound like whites and black people say the same thing. If we act rowdy and obnoxious, we are just that, rowdy and obnoxious. It’s a lose-lose situation. The best way is to better oneself as much as possible even at the risk of being ridiculed.</p>

<p>Well technically, I was working on them for TASP. But I like this one essay from it that has a certain “something”, and I’m re-using it. I just plan on tweaking it without losing the voice within.</p>

<p>I want to wish all of you luck! Even if you all don’t get into your top choices, you will get into somewhere wonderful. Don’t let anyone stop you from applying to a school! Also, don’t let money be the primary factor when it comes to selecting your schools. Top tier schools are cheaper than they appear. Once again, good luck! <em>Plug</em> Apply to Dartmouth!</p>

<p>I get called a “bumblebee”. Discuss. =)</p>

<p>God I don’t know if this joke will come off well but i’ll give it a shot. Sorry for the disclaimer. Junie are you half asian half black?</p>

<p>Applying to…</p>

<p>University of Pittsburgh (rolling, will applying in mid-August at diversity event)
Yale University (SCEA)
George Washington University
Boston University
Washington University in St. Louis
Rice University</p>

<p>But I’d prefer to skip all of that and just apply ED to GW. I can’t because of the money, but I may anyways.</p>

<p>anyone here doing questbridge? Also isn’t like a lot of applications starting in July or sometime in august. I don’t know I could be wrong since the dates from Florida colleges are different then northern colleges.</p>

<p>You can start your common app on July 1st.</p>

<p>yeah ok I wasn’t sure thanks for the info.</p>