2014 African Americans!

<p>It’s funny how we all mostly decided to stay within our regions lol. No one bold enough to go across the country?</p>

<p>I’m not going across the country, but I am only applying to very few schools in the MidWest. There’s not enough snow in California! But I am applying to schools in the UK.</p>

<p>@ BlackRose21,</p>

<p>yeah im definitely trying to get into the School of Arts and Sciences because none of their other schools interest me lol. I plan to major in sociology, ive always been really interested in that type of stuff but never knew it was actually called sociology until last year haha. i’ve actually been trying to figure out if they have posted the applications for us too, but on their site all their stats still refer to the class of 2012 so im assuming they havent updated the whole site yet.</p>

<p>i think i go back to school on either the 8th or 9th of september, usually im upset when the summer goes by fast like this but i really dont care this time, in my opinion, the faster this summer goes, the faster senior yr and the application process starts, then the faster im out of high school and on to college lol, as you can see i cant wait to get out of here!</p>

<p>Hi guys this thread rockss! :slight_smile: Well I am a Ghanaian who lives in Harlem and I’m planning on applying to</p>

Boston College</p>

<p>I want to do business in college. I wanted to go to UPenn since I was in 7th grade and even thought about applying ED but I’m slowly changing my mind also. Now 2 of my friends go there but none of them in Wharton but now I really like UVA for McIntire and how it caters to African American students :slight_smile: so hopefully I get in and the finaid is good also cuz that school is moving up on my list quickly lol</p>

<p>Good luck Sandra. The business school at UVA is outstanding and the school overall really reaches out to African Americans. If you get an invite you should join in the minority chat rooms that they will have in the fall for prospective students. I did one in the spring and it was really great and informative.</p>

<p>I also visited Emory and their facilities and campus were amazing. The business school is also top class. I just didn’t like how the environment felt sterile and a little boring.</p>

<p>Columbia, U.Penn, Cornell, Princeton, Stanford, NYU, Northwestern, Boston Uni., and other schools</p>

<p>My first draft of my essay is due tomorrow night to my instructor, so yeah. I’m excited.</p>

<p>I have a list of around fifteen schools, but I only want to attend so many of them. I’m just so worried that I’ll not be accepted somewhere. I’d feel more secure if my gpa and standardized test scores were higher, but I’m working on it.</p>

<p>Wesleyan University (First choice.)
Vassar College
Bard College
Oberlin College
Kenyon College</p>

<p>Quite a few more, but those are the colleges I’d really like to go to.</p>

<p>lol, why do black people get their own thread, isn’t this ‘reverse’ discrimination? haha, wait, no…</p>

<p>…it’s just discrimination period.</p>

<p>lmao, who’s up for making a “2014 Caucasions” thread?</p>

<p>no, wait… …we’d be labeled racist! the injustices/double standards in society are out of control…</p>

<p>houston you are silly, actually! try to make that thread. it’d be interesting to see what’d happen</p>

<p>go ahead go and make it. Nobody is stopping you. It’s only racist if you make it racist. other groups are making their own threads so why not Caucasians?</p>

<p>Lol, well we’re not trying to separate ourselves. White students are more than welcome to post here…BUT…IDK what would come after this but actually. But in all seriousness this thread is meant to be a support group for blacks applying to college.</p>

<p>Uhh…lol? That was a bit random</p>

<p>hey guys! I’m loving this group already. But I’m also feeling the stress of applying to college and senior year (even though I haven’t really started either… yet lol).
My finalized list is: Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Georgetown, UVA,Boston College,Emory,Davidson, Wake Forest, UGA. It’ll be exciting to see where everyone ends up; who knows, maybe we could all be future classmates.</p>

<p>j4mw, ur list is intense haha. those are some amazing schools. are any of them ur fave??</p>

<p>Lol yeah but if we don’t aim high, we can never get there. My fave right now is Princeton, but we’ll see how that goes.</p>

<p>I have been reading the posts and I wanted to join. I am also a rising senior my school starts on monday.
I want to apply to Agnes Scott Definitely and I am a sure bet for admission based on my stats.
I am an african american living in a metro atlanta suburb.
I am trying to find colleges that would be reaches but I do not want to be in a school environment that is too preppy.
Are any of you applying to HBCUs because my mom keeps pushing it and I am not that interested?</p>

<p>I saw this thread and I knew I wanted to post. Any students applying to UPenn or Drexel? Those are my top schools. </p>

<p>@readingrewards: My uncle keeping pushing me to go to an HBCU. I’m sure they’re excellent schools, but I feel that most of them are tailored to Engineering or Social Sciences, and i’m not sure if that’s for me. Depending on your intended major and interest in thriving in a specific cultural environment, they could be a great school for you. I think of the most common stereotypes about HBCUs is that its only about black people. You’ll still get a wide range of cultural diversity going to one.</p>



<p>Do you mind telling me some of your favorite things about Princeton? My mother keeps begging me to apply there, and they sent me a really nice brochure, but to some extent, I figure I’m already applying to enough reaches (Harvard, Yale, MIT, etc.) and it’ll be a lot of essays.</p>

<p>Lol yeah, the essays are killing me too.</p>

<p>But at first, I was all about Yale and Columbia. I’ve lived in the South my whole life, so I’ve always said that “when I go to college, I’m going up North! I’m going where it snows,to the cities that never sleep,away from the beaches…okay, maybe not that far from them, but still, I’m going up North!! Yale or Columbia '14, here I come!” But when I received this award from Princeton,my mom was convinced it was for me. Then this spring break, we decided to take a college trip to the North and it included Princeton (against my request). </p>

<p>When I got there, I fell in love.I literally felt as if my parents were to leave me there at that exact moment, I would have been perfectly content. But aside from the ecstatic feelings of “home” I got at Princeton, I could sense that the students felt the same way/were happy to be there. In short, this is what I really gathered from the visit:

  • serious undergraduate focus
    -GORGEOUS campus (which can be said about most Ivy Leagues/colleges, in general)
  • Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (which contains everything at the core of my future career plans)
    -smaller/cozy campus size (then again,I’ve been to school with the same 78 kids for the past 8 years, so I’m acclimated towards smaller environments)
    -the town had more a southern/welcoming feel (didn’t feel as though it impinged upon the school at all)
    -close proximity to NYC and Philadelphia
    -eating clubs (a friend of mine stayed for a weekend and literally feel in love with the school after visiting several eating clubs)
    -proud sense of school spirit
    -seems to have an amazing amount of resources
    -brilliant students all around</p>

<p>I guess it’d be best to search around CC and ask a current student; but those were some the reasons why Princeton was most attractive to me. Keep in mind that each Ivy League school is different, although they all claim to have “Harry Potter” looking dinning halls. At each one (minus Dartmouth, Cornell, & UPenn because I did not visit them) there was something unique or something missing that the other did not have;although in most cases, it was not a pertinent necessity as the school more than made up for it in another area. Best of luck to you though, and I hope I was helpful!</p>

<p>Sounds like you really like it. I’m turned off by Princeton because of the overt elitism in their culture. I just don’t agree with their eating clubs where one has to “bicker” to get in. There’s this exclusivity about them that rubs me the wrong way. However, i’ve heard they focus a lot on the undergrads.</p>