2014 SCEA hopefuls?

<p>Noooo, I meant June 30, I just don’t know all the endings by heart. </p>

<p>You should have been named Shrek instead.</p>



<p>goodness, I can’t go to sleep.</p>


<p>itsbeenreal–WashU’s supplement is up! You just can’t submit it via the CommonApp. You have to go to their website and submit it online or print it off and mail it. There are no essays or anything so it’s just filling out some personal info and your top majors and whatnot. </p>

<p>UCBerkeley’s doesnt come out until October. Like REALLY? geez. and stupid Columbia doesnt use the CommonApp. SAD.</p>

<p>welcome dancer13!! (I have this need to like welcome every new member I notice?)</p>

<p>DANG. $35,000 for a state university? daaaang. Ours is like $7,000 tuition. So probably $10,000 after you add in room/board. Which I think is amazingly cheap.
itsbeenreal–I can’t believe that I actually read every single word of your one mile long post. :slight_smile: especially that block about you being an Anglophile hahah and I thought I was obsessed with England? hahah.</p>

<p>Okay, you know what? I am REALLY, truthfully sorry you guys had to read that…it just kind of popped out, I couldn’t help it. </p>

<p>Truth about WashU. I knew that, I just wasn’t even thinking about it properly since I’m totally WACK in the head after all this cupcake truck business you (smileeeee) keep speaking of. I still can’t get over that.</p>

<p>LOL. maan, this post grows EXPONENTIALLY.
lol, thankyou for mini-geo+politics lessons its.been.real.
i sounded like a complete twat, ey?
ahwell. geography was never my strong point…
but wow. connecticut is a STATE. and new haven is the PLACE in which yale exists.
lol. fact of the day.
talk about weird things about capital cities… did you know the capital of Australia (Canberra) was originally going to be called Shakespeare?
yeah. ***. thank god it didnt happen, lol.</p>

<p>You’re very welcome :slight_smile: </p>

<p>And you did NOT sound like a twat, especially since 20% of Americans can’t even locate their own country on a map…</p>

<p>And to further my point…this is not to be taken seriously or offensively, but I find it kind of funny because SO many Americans pretty much legitimately feel this way:
<a href=“http://farm3.static.■■■■■■■■■■/2005/1764080976_baee1a4c5d_o.jpg[/url]”>http://farm3.static.■■■■■■■■■■/2005/1764080976_baee1a4c5d_o.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It’s.been.real - LOL. You do love England! Come visit, I’ll show you around :smiley: Have you ever had Cadbury’s chocolate? Not the lame version that Hershey does. The real stuff. It’s the best. I freakin’ love America but you guys just do not have decent chocolate.</p>

<p>And I saw those bands play live. In person though I did see the singer from Alien Ant Farm. He’s cute, but quite little.</p>

<p>Love the link, it’s.been.real! It’s totally true and very embarassing.</p>

<p>ROFL, yeah, just saw it.
‘im from the tiny land of evil-doers and kangaroos…’</p>

<p>No, you’re right, we don’t have good chocolate, however, we get mad stuff imported (like Lindt!!) so it kind of makes up for it. </p>

<p>Haha, glad you guys liked the link :)</p>

<p>HAHAHAHAHAHHHHHHH. that’s the funniest thing I’ve seen today. Well, it’s only like 10am but god, that totally made my day.</p>

<p>CUP. CAKE. TRUCK. (just…think about it.)</p>

<p>I mean…yall, that’s like TOTALLY COOLER than the ice cream truck. and i LOVE the ice cream man. But STILL. </p>

<p>We import like…everything. hahahah. </p>

<p>Alrighty, I’m declaring today and tomorrow my official essay writing days. I. AM. GOING. TO. WRITE. A. KICK. BUTT. ESSAY. …I. AM. (that’s what I tell myself anyways. just wait. I’ll come back tonight and be like…yeah, forget that.)</p>

<p>I’ve written my kick butt essays in my head. But getting them onto paper is a whole other kettle of fish.</p>

<p>And when we all get into Yale I’m going to bring over a load of English goodies, including copious amounts of Cadbury’s Fruit and Nut bars. England theme sleepoverrrrr!</p>

<p>Oh my god, you’re going to make me cry :frowning: Because in all likelihood that won’t happen, but IT SOUNDS SO FUN. </p>

<p>So guys, this is a question that’s not at all related to Yale, but it’s just something I always wonder about, and yet I never ask:
What were everyone’s experiences with Sept. 11? (especially the international kids, I’m really curious if they were at all affected by it) Like…do you remember where you were when you found out? How did you find out? Lasting effects? etc.</p>

<p>I’ve gotten much better at the concise posts ever since my verbal attack yesterday :)</p>

<p>Interesting question.</p>

<p>I remember exactly what I was doing. I remember what I was wearing. I came home from school and turned on the radio show I usually listen to, and I was wondering why the presenter wasn’t being funny like normal. He mentioned something about planes hitting the World Trade Center. Me, being about 14 at the time and from England had no idea what the WTC was, I carried on getting changed. Went downstairs to my dad, who was in the kitchen making dinner. I asked if he’d seen the news and he said no. I said “planes have flown into the World Trade Center or something… oh well, you’ll see on the news later” and he looked at me and said “that’ll be on the news right now”.</p>

<p>It was horrible to watch those towers falling and all the horror on the screen. But I was still disconnected from it. I’d never been to New York, never met anyone from there. New York was always just a place that had been on the TV. I guess I was just desensitised to it because I’d never experienced it.</p>

<p>I feel completely different now. Some of my best friends live there. One of them, who was from Maine, was visiting New York City that day, she and her sister were on their way to the Twin Towers when the planes hit. My best friend’s dad worked in one of the buildings right next to the towers. He saw the planes. He saw the buildings fall. He saw those people dying. Since 9/11 I’ve visited Ground Zero. It’s really weird to be there and to know what happened. I’m deeply fascinated by what went on that day, and yet incredibly disturbed. To think that human beings would have such a lack of respect for others to commit such an act, not just to the individuals who suffered, but to make that kind of statement on such prominent buildings, to do something with the intention of shaking America to its core – I just can’t even begin to comprehend it.</p>

<p>And don’t cry! Even though it’s unlikely we’ll all get into Yale, we can dream! And we could always meet up for a group outing anyway :)</p>

<p>ahhhhh that sounds so amazing…i would love to meeting yall. =]</p>

<p>Sept.11. God, I was such a little kid back then. I was in the 4th grade and all the teachers heard about it but weren’t allowed to tell us. However, the class next door got to watch it on TV and while they were watching about the 1st plane, the 2nd plane flew into the building. A couple minutes later, the principal came over the intercom and said that something horrible has happened to our country but we should stay calm and that teachers were not allowed to discuss this (they wanted to leave it up to the parents). Loooots of kids were checked out early that day. My friend and I were waiting for our parents to pick us up when this one guy told us what happened (so weird because I still know these 2 people). We were like …oook? why is that a big deal? What is the world trade center? That’s too bad but who really cares? He was like it’s a REALLY TALL building in NYC! and we were like …well. alrighty. </p>

<p>Like I couldn’t comprehend at that age what had happened. When I visited NYC like 2 years ago and I was looking at the Ground Zero site, I just couldn’t believe I didn’t realize the significance of 9/11 back then. But then again, I mean, I was only like 9. I can’t believe I didn’t know what the World Trade Center was. I don’t really think I understood until about middle school. I remember once in English, when it was Sept 11, we had a moment of silence and then we shared our stories of what happened that day. I think that was the first time it really hit us how important that day was.</p>

<p>Hahahah you English people and your food. I love Nature Valley Fruit & Nut granola bars? :slight_smile: I ate them like everyday in ap chem last year. Which reminds me, I’m super excited to get my schedule next week because 1. SENIOR YEAR 2. I LOVE getting schedules, school supplies and all that. and LOVE the first day of school hahah. 3. I really need to figure out what class(es) I can eat in (some teachers don’t like it and some don’t care)…sooo I’ll have to adjust to a new eating schedule. </p>

<p>Have any of yall gotten schedules yet?</p>

<p>I don’t get given schedules cos I’m not in school now but I love making them for myself! I’m always making lists and stuff. And yeah thsoe Nature Valley bars are great! Do you have Go Ahead products there? They make some delicious snacks.</p>

<p>OMG. I just realised… if most of you have never been to England that means you haven’t had fish and chips!!! Or baked beans!!! Hahaha, my American friends were horrified/fascinated when they got served baked beans.</p>

<p>I love English food. I make my English friend send me McVities biscuits and Cadburys and winegums. If I don’t get into Yale, I’m probably going to college in the UK!</p>