<p>Baked beans and fish and chips are popular here though, so I guess your American friends are sheltered.
ALTHOUGH, i can’t speak for the whole country, but in New England those things are really big (and I mean, Boston is colloquially referred to as Bean Town)…<em>especially</em> fish and chips. </p>
<p>Okay, my 9/11 story is similar to smile’s.
I was 10, and we were in school. That day happened to be my teacher’s birthday so she was being especially friendly. We went on break for lunch and all the teachers went to the break room and we had lunch in the classroom with the lunch ladies. When my teacher came back she was pale as a ghost, looked horribly morose, and didn’t speak for the longest time. Only the 5th grade teachers were allowed to talk about it (but they weren’t allowed to show the news), and none of the other teachers were allowed, I think, like smile, they want to let parents decide how much to expose to their kids. So anyways, we thought our teacher was acting weird, but didn’t read into to it too much. Then we got an unannounced early release, but again, weren’t told why. I remember that it was a Tuesday and it was a GORGEOUS day outside. I was supposed to go over to a friend’s, but evidently she had forgotten and walked home without me, so I just made my way over to her house figuring she’d be there.
She had told me that her dad wasn’t going to be home, and as 10 year-olds that was SUPER exciting for us, but when I knocked on the door her dad answered. Anyways, turns out she had forgotten we were supposed to hang to hang out and had gone over to the house of a girl who lived up the street, but her dad called her and told her to come home. When she came home we were both asking him why he was there and not at work. That’s when we walked past the living room where the news was playing and we stood in horror as we watched the planes crash over, and over, and over again. It was like a horror movie, I couldn’t believe it was actually the news. He saw us watching and screamed at us to get away from the TV and he snapped it off and told us we weren’t allowed to watch TV for the rest of the day. Apparently, he had been sent home because he worked in the Hancock Building which is a really tall building in Boston (<a href=“http://www.planetware.com/i/photo/john-hancock-tower-boston-ma072.jpg[/url]”>http://www.planetware.com/i/photo/john-hancock-tower-boston-ma072.jpg</a>) and the city had evacuated all employees of the tallest buildings in the city.
When I got home my mom was waiting for me and she was a mess because our whole family lives in Manhattan and they had shut down all ways of communicating with the city, I don’t know if any of you know that. There was no phone service, no internet communication, no TV, nothing. So we had to wait 24 hours to find out if everyone in our family was alive because we had NO way to communicate with them.
Regular classes were cancelled the next day and every class in school literally spent the entire day reflecting on the events of the previous day. Every year since then we have a moment of silence on Sept. 11th and usually people start talking about where they were when they found out…
We used to get this magazine called Time for Kids in school (like Time mag., but specially made for elementary schools) and they obviously came out with a Sept. 11th edition and I just remember how amazing it was to see the pictures of vigils held for us ALL over the world, that was just truly truly amazing.</p>
<p>RFK68: you can get McVitie’s in the states you know, I was actually eating some a few hours ago haha</p>
<p>You can get fish and chips there??? The proper kind with big fat chips? And baked beans! Wow. Maybe where you live is just better at being English. My friends ordered baked beans thinking they were refried beans.</p>
<p>LOLOLOLOL. No! Refried beans are…refried beans, and baked beans are baked. </p>
<p>I dunno, I have some in my kitchen cabinet right now. What do you guys eat them with? Here we eat them at BBQs like with hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, that kind of stuff.
Damn, now I really want some haha. </p>
<p>And fish and chips too, you can buy them literally anywhere. That, I have to say, is definitely a New England thing mostly because we just have a lot of cod and other flaky white fishes here, whereas inland states or states on coasts with warmer water obviously wouldn’t have that. But no, I love fish and chips, and some places make them with more authentic chips (which we call French fries haha, to me a chip is a crispy fried slice of a potato in a bag…that, or a little dollop of chocolate :D), but not always. Either way it’s wicked good. </p>
<p>I’d say New ENGLAND is definitely the best at being English ;)</p>
<p>Baked beans can go with anything… sausages and mashed potato. A classic is a jacket potato with baked beans and cheese. Beans on toast! That’s another big one. Is this what yours look like:</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.freefoto.com/images/09/37/09_37_4---Baked-Beans-on-toast_web.jpg[/url]”>http://www.freefoto.com/images/09/37/09_37_4---Baked-Beans-on-toast_web.jpg</a></p>
<p>Proper chips are often known as “chip shop chips” or “chippy chips” to distinguish them from fries. This is real chips. Chippy chips:</p>
<p><a href=“http://static.■■■■■■■■■■/83/247371999_08c2ea1fe4.jpg[/url]”>http://static.■■■■■■■■■■/83/247371999_08c2ea1fe4.jpg</a></p>
<p>OM NOM NOM NOM. With LOADS of salt and vinegar.</p>
<p>DUDE i LOVED Time for Kids. We didn’t get those until 5th grade though. I can’t believe you actually understood what was going on. Me and my friends were completely oblivious. Most of us couldn’t find NY on a map and had no idea what the WTC was or how big/tall it was. My mom wouldn’t let me watch the news soooo yep. No idea what happened. We didn’t get out of school the next day and teachers forbid us to talk about it (a few kids got details…but most of parents kinda just sheltered us and said a plane crashed into a building, it’s sad day.)</p>
<p>HAHAH. ok so I guess it’s because I live in the South and all…and we eat like fried chicken and mashed potatoes hahahah…but I have no earthly clue what McVitie or whatever is. And I have never had…or seen in person fish and chips. I’ve been to NY? But we ate a lot of pizza and fancy Italian food haha. And Starbucks. BUUUUT i can proudly say I’ve had baked beans. good stuff. Never had it on toast though…but yeah, usually with BBQ stuff like itsbeenreal said. That’s common here! Sooo feel free to educate me on food since apparently, I haven’t had a lot of stuff yall have had. </p>
<p>Hahahaha yeahhhh we don’t really have fresh fish here. Not a big fan of fish. I like salmon? But I’m guessing that’s not the fish they use for fish and chips :)</p>
<p>Oh my god STOPPP, you’re making me so hungry hahahaha. </p>
<p>That is indeed what ours look like! This is what’s in my kitchen right now, haha:
<a href=“http://www.viewpoints.com/images/review/2007/150/19/1180572037-30538_full.jpg[/url]”>http://www.viewpoints.com/images/review/2007/150/19/1180572037-30538_full.jpg</a></p>
<p>And here are some more links
<p>this is the place I was talking about, A Salt & Battery, it’s great. Look at the menu, tell me if that’s legit?
[A</a> Salt & Battery Home](<a href=“http://www.asaltandbattery.com/home]A”>http://www.asaltandbattery.com/home)</p>
<p>and then I just found out while looking at their website that apparently Bobby Flay did a Throwdown with them! haha so here’s that</p>
<p>[A</a> Salt & Battery Home](<a href=“http://www.asaltandbattery.com/home]A”>http://www.asaltandbattery.com/home)</p>
<p>Enjoy :)</p>
<p>HAHAHA! That site is hilarious. Totally sounds legit. It’s so hysterically English that knowing that it’s in America cracks me up. I imagine it to be like Wee Britain (Arrested Development, anyone)</p>
<p>The <em>only</em> thing on there that you wouldn’t find in an English chippy is battered beets. Firstly, we call it beetroot. And secondly, battering it is weird.</p>
<p>When you say McVitie’s what do you mean? Like digestive biscuits? Cos McVitie’s do a lot of stuff. Jaffa Cakes - YUM!</p>
<p>I’m pretty into my American foodstuffs. Reese’s cereal is the best thing EVER. Kool-Aid is delicious. But Cheez-Whiz? No. Just no.</p>
<p>That’s true, my bad for not clarifying haha. </p>
<p>These <a href=“http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/510aOhCz9-L._SL500_AA280_PIbundle-6,TopRight,0,0_AA280_SH20_.jpg[/url]”>http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/510aOhCz9-L._SL500_AA280_PIbundle-6,TopRight,0,0_AA280_SH20_.jpg</a></p>
<p>I just hate calling them digestive biscuits because that sounds so gross and like you have some kind of stomach issues, not just that you eat really yummy biscuits :)</p>
<p>Kool-Aid? Really? It’s food colored, artificially flavored, sugar crystals! You should try Tazo Tea, do they sell that in England? It’s brilliant 
I’m trying to think some other food that’s sufficiently American to ask you if you like, but all the food I like is either not unique to this country and can be found anywhere, or is gross and embarrassingly bad for you and I hope for your sake that they don’t sell it in England. So I’m out…</p>
<p>I bet all my essays will be written while I listen to Under Pressure. Horrible but true.</p>
<p>PS, Vanilla Ice is a thief.</p>
<p>baked beans? i dont think i’ve ever tried them…
i mean, i’ve HEARD of them, im not THAT lost…
like you hear ‘peanut butter and jelly’
for the longest time i though america was really weird because they put JELLY with peanut butter in sandwiches.
jelly as in ‘i love aeroplane jelly’-jelly.
yeah, im a lost case. we have fish and chips here too, though. =]</p>
<p>What kind of jelly are you talking about?! </p>
<p>Do people not eat PB&J in other countries? Good lord…I mean, that’s essentially what I eat for lunch every day. </p>
<p>Just FYI, I had baked beans with my dinner tonight because I started craving them haha. </p>
<p>Okay, this thread officially has NOTHING to do with Yale, we’ve diverged in an alarming way. Diverge back?</p>
<p>I thought the same as well, Sora. I was like… jelly… with peanut butter… in sandwiches?! W-T-F!!!</p>
<p>What you call “jelly” we call “jam”. If you asked for jelly here, you’d get jello.</p>
<p>And I have had peanut butter and [jam] and it was delicious. It is not a done thing here.</p>
<p>I can’t bring it back to Yale specifically but I can come kind of back on topic - when you apply SCEA, do you have to send ALL your apps then? Or can we just send to Yale, then after we get the results of that, apply to the rest?</p>
<p>Haha we have jam, then jelly, then jello! Oh the confusion.</p>
<p>Hmm I’m sure you can send in other apps as long as they specify that you are applying for regular decision for those, since the early Yale app is restricted.</p>
<p>I just had to wikipedia that, I didn’t know you had jam and jelly separately! This reminds me of the episode of Friends where Monica makes jam. I’m hungry for jam now.</p>
<p>And thanks, I thought that was how it worked but I read somewhere you had to send them all at once and it worried me.</p>
<p>Lol yeah, weird right?! I think overall, I prefer jelly over jam, but it depends on what flavors! Yum.</p>
<p>Yay! I mean, it depends on the school, but I think generally, it’s like that.</p>
<p>So right now in my temporary list of 12 schools, only 2 have their supplements up D:</p>
<p>What is grape jelly, is that like grape flavoured jam?</p>
<p>Who else is on your list of 12? I have 10. I think. I will probably decide at the last minute to add my two maybe maybes.</p>
<p>Everyone’s freaking out over supplements, there’s still ages to go. Is it because you have the summer free to do essays and everything before you go back to school?</p>
<p>I just looked it up lol, grape jelly is made of grape juice with pectin while grape jam is boiled down grapes with sugar until their are the right consistency :P</p>
<p>BU and Emory are the ones who have supplements up; Then I have Colgate, Vassar, Brown, Cornell, Syracuse, UPenn, Wellesley, UVM, Bucknell, and, of course, Yale.
I’m definitely going to cut down my list, but for the ones I’m not sure about (Cornell vs. Brown, Syracuse vs. Bucknell) I’m going to eliminate based on whether their apps are fun to fill out or not lol.</p>
<p>Yep! I’d like to get a substantial amount of work done before school starts, and because it’s summer, I have all this free time I SHOULD be using hahaha.</p>
<p>did someone mention FRIENDS? because I totally just watched 2 episodes of that last night. in a row. and it made me very very very veryyyyy happy. </p>
<p>anywayyyys. I LOVE PB&Js. I either have PB with grape jelly orrr strawberry jam (MY FAVORITE). go try it. maybe just me because i like strawberries better than grapes…and I like the softer texture of jam but it’s amazing. foooor real. all this talk about food makes me extremely hungry. can we stop?? hahahah. </p>
<p>Cornell has its supplement up! Not interesting though. Just some personal info and 1 essay depending on what school you’re applying to.</p>
<p>gosh, yes i need to get my essays done this summer (well not DONE done but at least a rough draft). Senior year is gonna be insaaaane. Junior year was pretty hectic already…but I still got my sleep (barely). Add college apps/essays with that, I probably won’t be getting any sleep. ANd it’s not like I sleep a lot…because I actually hate sleeping but I NEED to get my 6 hours. I’m not a morning person…at all. :)</p>
<p>OHHHH question! related to YALE (yesss)!</p>
<p>Sooo we submit the supplement and the common app for SCEA. Isn’t there something like once you submit the CommonApp once, you can’t make any changes? So if we wanted to change something on our commonapp after we submit SCEA, would we have to make another copy/version of our CommonApp??</p>