2014 SCEA hopefuls?

<p>I’m soooo happy your interview was so great, Demi! Congratulations, and gooood jobbb!</p>

<p>David Miller is the mayor of Toronto, rofl. I don’t think we’re talking about the same person.</p>

<p>I got a good-ish idea for my second essay while I was working out today. It will be good.</p>

<p>Aw thanks rocker!</p>

<p>Oh, also, I tagged along with some group tours, but no one notably attractive was guiding today lol! D:</p>

<p>Rofl! This is the David Miller I met: [url=<a href=“http://dss.ucsd.edu/~d9miller/]David”>http://dss.ucsd.edu/~d9miller/]David</a> Miller, game theorist at UCSD: Research & News<a href=“wait,%20I%20hope%20CC%20doesn’t%20remove%20the%20link…?”>/url</a> but basically he just visited from UCSD and at the end of his little lecture he just rambled on and on about how great the UC’s are and that we should all apply, I felt like I was in the middle of an infomercial for Cali lolol.</p>

<p>Haha I’m not even sure what I’m even writing for the commonapp essay much less the Yale one! Pretty envious the Rocker sounds like he totally knows what he’s doing! ;P</p>

<p>This is our David Miller: <a href=“http://capitalcitychris.files.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/2009/04/toronto-mayor-david-miller.jpg[/url]”>http://capitalcitychris.files.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/2009/04/toronto-mayor-david-miller.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Nah, I have ideas but putting them on paper in an honest, unembarrassing, unpretentious way is incredibly hard.</p>

<p>Lol! That’s lovely :P</p>

<p>And damn straight.
I’ll crank out an inkling of an essay down and the next day I reread it and want to gag.</p>

<p>I’m a quirky person and I can’t put that into an essay without sounding really, really lame and embarrassing. Rereading some of my stuff literally makes me feel embarrassed, haha.</p>

<p>Aaand, my writing generally tends to be at least slightly pretentious. It works well for academic essays, but not always for this type of thing.</p>

<p>DEMIIIII. OH MY GOD. I’m SO happy for you, girl! That just sounds amazing, and I’m really proud that your interview went so smoothly! </p>

<p>Sorry that none of the tour guides were hot though haha. Was your interviewer?
Anyways, it just sounds like it was outstanding…so, no trick questions or anything? Someone else said something on another thread about how they felt like their interview was much more about them and not them in relation to Yale (no “Why Yale?” or “What would you contribute to the Yale community?” kinds of things) did you find that too? </p>

<p>Okay, my writing is like that too. I get really formal and pretentious and whip out my super large vocabulary for things like academic essays, but that’s just honestly not a great way to go for college essays. To be clear though I never use those words to try and impress anybody, but I just think they add so much more body to a piece of writing. Like in my common app essay I used the phrase “amalgamation of…kids” and I’m thinking I might take it out and replace it with “mix of…kids,” but that just sounds so DULL.
I also have a great sense of humor and I find that REALLY hard to convey through my writing…no idea how get it across to them that I’m not some stiff little pretentious girl. But sometimes I reread what I’ve written and I just LAUGH out loud and think to my self “Are you for real, girl?! You can’t be serious…” </p>

<p>I have my common app essay 99% done though and about 1/4 of my supplemental essay.</p>

<p>Oh, by the way, do you have a twin or something?</p>

<p>Demiitasse–like emily’s visit, yours sounds amazing!! congrats on the great interview! aahh! when i visited last spring break as a sophomore i wasn’t head-over-heels in love so i don’t really remember much. my dad, though, did take a ton of pictures and videotaped segments of our tour so sometimes i drool over them in my spare time.</p>

<p>essays… ■■■. other than that, i tend to just write philosophically with a bunch of unsupported abstractions and generalizations. when i try to tell some sort of a narrative, it ends up a being a few, measly sentences followed by a long and intense rambling about myself. i’m a pretty good writer, if i may say so myself. i do have a talent of churning out 12 SAT/ACT essays like it’s NOBODY’S business, though. :)</p>

<p>ohhhhh dude, I can totally write academic essays. Especially history essays for class. It’s like I know exactly what the teacher is looking for, BOOM. paper done in an hour. </p>

<p>personal essays are wayyyy harder. Because…well. Let’s just say that if I wrote like I type/speak, it wouldn’t be very intelligent sounding. My verbal vocabulary is like…nonexistant. hahahhaha. I don’t use big words. At all. Ever. If I do, I make sure to point it out. hahahah. like “OHHHH did you hear that BIG WORD i just used? woooah.” hahha. pretty much.</p>

<p>SOOO it’s totally hard to keep a balance when I’m writing. Not too serious, not too ditzy sounding. I’ve got some ideas for essays, 1/2 (hmmm.) way done with CommonApp, brainstorming stage of my supplement essay. </p>

<p>DEEEEMMMIIIII!!! THAT WAS SO EXCITING TO READ. for real girl. it sounded like it was soooo much FUN. ahhhhhhh. yayayayyaayyyyyy happpppiness!</p>

<p>SMILE. Yo. Since when are you WAYYYY done with you CommonApp one? Send me that shizz yo, I wanna read the done version!</p>

<p>OH YAY! Your interview sounds amazing :D:D:D</p>

<p>Oh god, I’m so excited.</p>

<p>AHHH thanks everyone!!! Haha omgg I LOVE YOU ALL <3</p>

<p>Haha it’s.been.real, I do have a twin! He’s applying to Yale SCEA too! But he’s pretty level-headed about it (“Ooh Yale, it’s cool…”), not obsessed like we are? Lol!</p>

<p>Oh and nope, it was mainly just to get to know me, so now “Why Yale” (Lol I totally prepped that question though, it was a reeeallly long answer) and trick questions, but I did sprinkle in how I love Yale’s this and that. He asked me what my school was like, how I balanced my schedule regarding busy extracurriculars, and eventually, because it was pretty much a long convo, he asked me what book I recently read that I enjoyed and then we moved on to my question time! :smiley:
There was another guy getting an interview and he told me afterwards that his stumbled on “If you could have dinner with any person, alive or deceased, who would it be and why?” which my interviewer didn’t ask me! I’m not too sure anyways what I would answer :P</p>

<p>And it’s.been.real, lol for asking that! I don’t know…my interviewer wasn’t, say, as attractive as a movie star, but he wasn’t unattractive either. You know? And he had a really friendly personality and we laughed a lot, so that was good :]</p>

<p>How old was your interviewer? I read that they sometimes get current students, like juniors or seniors to carry out the on campus interview. The idea of being interviewed by someone younger than me scares me a bit haha</p>

<p>I think the on campus interviewers are always seniors, right? And alumnus interviews are like people who live in your area who went to Yale who report back to the school after your interview. Almost like Yale spies O.o</p>

<p>You have a twin! Doesn’t that suck that you’re both applying to Yale? I mean, what if he got in and you didn’t!?!??!??! I would die. How are you handling that? Are you guys applying to a lot of the same schools?</p>

<p>I friends who are twins and they didn’t apply to the same schools, but they each applied early to their dreams (Yale and NYU) and the NYU twin got in and the Yale twin got deferred and ultimately denied and it was just really sad :frowning: </p>

<p>Demi, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL that someone asked that question at an interview, that’s from Gossip Girl!!! HOLY NOODLES. I can’t believe they ACTUALLY ask that question.</p>

<p>Yep, he was a rising senior! All the on campus interviewers were seniors!
Haha well we’re both taking advantage of our legacy status, otherwise he’d apply to Brown early. Since my mom is often away working, I really take over her job as take care of my family, so although I’d be pretty disappointed if I didn’t get in and he did, I’d still be really happy and suuuuper excited for him. Haha seriously I feed him, take care of his clothes, help him when he needs to dress up and stuff. Lol. It’s a team effort, I think. Also, we can be harsh critics of each other, application-wise and in general. And he helps me with homework lolol!
That is really sad though. :frowning:
There are these two guys who are identical twins who are in my grade, and they both want to go to Stanford. And they have basically the same profile; math, tennis, etc. because they’re always together, it’s crazyy!!! It’d just be so weird if they were separated lol! They even have the EXACT same senior schedules for next year. The only things different on their application are going to be the essays/teacher recs! Weirdd.</p>

<p>I know! I saw that part lol!!! Well, you know, maybe the interviewer was part of the gossip girl club on campus ;P</p>

<p>^OMMMMMGGG I KNOOOOOW. and that’s when the catfight started. HAHAHAH. ohhhhh I totally remembered that episode. when “Yale” was actually on the Columbia campus. YES WE DID NOTICE CW. well, at least I did. =]</p>

<p>Nononononoooooo itsbeenreal–I said I was 1/2 way done! hahahah. no worries. You KNOW i will send it to you. just 1/2 way. just 1/2 way. calm down now. </p>

<p>Dude, I’ve always wanted to be a twin…</p>


<p>yall, I’m having a good day despite this whole “nope, can’t see your counselor until the first day of school” crap. like…a really good day. YAYYYYYYYY. like…a better good day than a typical good day. that makes me super happy.</p>

<p>I cannot tell you how nervous it makes me reading about people having interviews. Seeing Yale on Gossip Girl (I didn’t notice it was Columbia because I’ve never been to either :-/) makes me super excited, but actually making it real is terrifying.</p>

<p>Have you guys done any of your common app essays?</p>

<p>Wow, that’s…pretty good haha. I’m having one of those this-day-could-disappear-and-my-life-wouldn’t-be-any-different kind of days. So…not good, but not bad either. </p>

<p>Guys, we’re treading in murky waters here. We’re talking about Gossip Girl again. Rocker might slaughter us.
Although in all fairness it was in relation to Demiitasse’s situation!</p>

<p>Guys, this is so bad, I keep almost using people’s real names and I’m so glad I keep catching myself!!</p>

<p>I don’t know who’s who! I know Smile. And I guess Demiitasse’s as well. it’s.been.real who are you? You can PM me if you like! (and let me know who else is whom while you’re at it! :P)</p>

<p>I’m so jealous of your interview, demi. Mine was okay, but definitely nothing compared to yours. What was your brother’s interviewer’s name? I think I might have had her too!</p>

<p>As for essays, the only one I’ve started is one for Lehigh. I’m completely screwed because I cannot find a good idea for the common app. I have lots of weird things to write about, but none of them are really good. Oh, well, what can you do? Unless I have a life changing experience in the next month, I’ll have to find something somewhere. </p>

<p>Anyone else have something started?</p>

<p>are you guys all friends on fb too?</p>

<p>edit: yale’s supplement is up!</p>