<p>went shopping, saw tons of bow headbands. but no purple. FAIL</p>
<p>Haha we should invite the yale facebook account to our group, maybe then they’d let us in? KIDDING! </p>
<p>I’m watching Gilmore Girls and Rory just got to Yale! Yay!</p>
<p>I was really bored and hungry, so…
[The</a> Yale Herald - October 18, 2002 - The buttery: everyone knows your name](<a href=“http://www.yaleherald.com/article.php?Article=1220]The”>http://www.yaleherald.com/article.php?Article=1220)
…made me super excited.</p>
<p>Last night I was talking to me best friend who lives in NY and when I come to visit he’s taking me on a road trip to the 3 colleges I want to visit So excited!!!</p>
<p>Is anyone going to be in/around New York in October and fancies meeting up?</p>
<p>I fancy meeting up, but I am scheduled to be a stressful mess in October. Postpone meeting to Bull Dog Days. :)</p>
<p>PS, let’s discuss why [url=<a href=“http://www.yale.edu/admit/index.html]this[/url”>http://www.yale.edu/admit/index.html]this[/url</a>] owns [url=<a href=“http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/index.html]this[/url”>http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/index.html]this[/url</a>], [url=<a href=“http://www.princeton.edu/admission/]this[/url”>Princeton University Admission]this[/url</a>], and [url=<a href=“Page Not Found : Stanford University”>http://admission.stanford.edu/]this[/url</a>].</p>
<p>1) My favorite episode of Gilmore Girls, in all seven years of its existence, is the episode in which Rory goes to Yale for the first time. I would explain my obsession with this episode further, except with this group I know I don’t need to.
2) Lanaesque—saw no purple headbands, or no purple anything? Because you can wear whatever color headband you’d like, as long as it has a lop-sided bow. I personally will be wearing this one: <a href=“http://cn1.kaboodle.com/hi/img/b/0/0/7/d/AAAAC7_yCGAAAAAAAAfd8Q.jpg[/url]”>http://cn1.kaboodle.com/hi/img/b/0/0/7/d/AAAAC7_yCGAAAAAAAAfd8Q.jpg</a>
3) Yale’s website is the least aesthetically pleasing and the most confusing, and yet it STILL totally owns the other 3. How do you like that, Harvard, Princeton, and Stannnnford?
4) I fancy meeting up, but I too will be nothing more than a chalk outline on the floor come October. Saddest.</p>
<p>If any of you are ever in New Haven, let me know! I’ll drive over in a hurry lol.
Yale’s website is a gorgeous blue. How can that not be aesthetically pleasing? :] I admit it’s somewhat confusing though.
It’s.been.real, I know you asked me about my interviewer and what he looked like lol. I found a picture for you! He’s Salvador Andrade.
[Student</a> Recruitment Coordinators | About Us | La Casa Cultural - Latino Cultural Center | Yale College](<a href=“Yale College”>Yale College)</p>
<p>Haha sorry I should have realised that opening an invite for anything a week before applications are due wouldn’t be a good idea! :D</p>
<p>But anyway, if anyone gets their application all finished before then and would still like to meet for snackz and chatz then let me know I’ll be staying in Brooklyn, so it’ll be easy to travel anywhere reasonably close by.</p>
<p>Check this out - [Purple</a> satin bow headband - recommendation by espy - ThisNext](<a href=“http://www.thisnext.com/item/E7EF8796/028EC47E/Purple-satin-bow-headband]Purple”>http://www.thisnext.com/item/E7EF8796/028EC47E/Purple-satin-bow-headband) Do want!</p>
<p>Oh and reading all those descriptions of what those students are up to makes me so excited!</p>
<p>I LOVED THAT EPISODE. I love the episode when Rory gets into Yale, Princeton and Harvard and the episode after that where she makes her pro/con lists and picks Yale and how her mom redecorated her Harvard wall and made it a yale wall and bought her the shirt from Kirk’s little tshirt business that said “Rory goes to yale” annnnd I loved the episode where Rory first visits Yale…and the one where she starts her first day at Yale. </p>
<p>I ALMOST GOT A PURPLE SHIRT. it was SO PRETTY. but it didnt fit right and i was gonna get a smaller size since it was just so baggy at the collarbone part and just felt so weird but got lazy. BUUUUT I did get a purple dress. Can I wear that instead?? It’s super cute.</p>
<p>My headband will look something like this:
<a href=“http://www.forever21.com/product.asp?catalog_name=FOREVER21&category_name=acc_hat_hairgoods&product_id=1057976351&Page=all[/url]”>http://www.forever21.com/product.asp?catalog_name=FOREVER21&category_name=acc_hat_hairgoods&product_id=1057976351&Page=all</a>
but satin and more floppy. hahahahah.</p>
<p>I actually like Yale’s website…but then again, I go on it so often I basically know where everything is haha otherwise, I can see how it might be a bit hard to navigate. It’s the easiest one for me hahahah.</p>
<p>portugueseninja–Nope. No chances of me going to NY in Oct haha! BUT I KNOW. I love reading all those student profile things. So coooool. So exciting.</p>
<p>I LOVE Yale’s website. I know it’s weird to judge a college by its website but I really do. Brown’s confuses me. Harvard’s makes me feel welcome.</p>
<p>Is anyone else here applying to Grinnell?</p>
<p>If we all get into Yale and hang out together wearing purple bow headbands people will think we’re really weird haha. Loves it! That one is super cute. I also like this a lot - [purple</a> bow headband (Gossip Girl inspired) : truealchemy - ArtFire Accessories](<a href=“http://www.artfire.com/modules.php?name=Shop&op=listing&product_id=326950]purple”>http://www.artfire.com/modules.php?name=Shop&op=listing&product_id=326950)</p>
<p>Ooo, I have tons of headbands xD I’m a total headband girl, bows, leaves, tiedie, brands.</p>
<p>and new york is completely across the US for me, bummer. If you ever decide to visit stanford though, that’s closer</p>
<p>speaking of stanford, did everyone and their mother get rejected? well, obviously not since they have a class. But we had two guys get into harvard and princeton (not yale D=) who applied to stanford early, and didnt even get deferred. weeeiirrrdd?</p>
<p>That is weird. I have this impression that Stanford is really picky. Are they need-blind for US citizens? Stanford never appealed to me, I’m not sure why. One of my friends went there though, he’s a rapper now <em>thumbs up</em></p>
<p>Stanford was a SLAUGHTERHOUSE this year. Like…it was ridiculous. I think they accepted 1 person. And that person probably matriculated at Yale instead. Suck THAT Standford. </p>
<p>All the Rory/Yale episodes are ma faves. </p>
<p>And just for the record…I was being sarcastic about the bejeweled, zebra-striped headband. As outgoing as I am, I don’t do animal printz.</p>
<p>FOOOOR REAL. Nobody at our school got accepted and just observing CC, it looked insane. Didn’t they call it the Stanford Slaughter? Or something like that? haahahah. </p>
<p>I know someone that goes to Stanford but she got accepted like 3 years ago.</p>
<p>Hahahha well I would totally wear something like that. For real. I’ve been waiting to get my hands on a leopard print headband. But yes yes I love headbands too. And not just because I saw Blair wear them… no. that’s not it at alll…</p>
<p>Our school always has quite a few people who get into Stanford. We had 3/4 (I’m not exactly sure if the 4th actually got in…) people get in to Stanford (2 accepted RD, 1 went to Yale instead), but that is pretty low to be honest (we usually have at least 5 people going to Stanford, and a few more who got in chose other colleges).</p>
<p>lolololol, we don’t have ANY Stanford, but 3 Yale’s and 4 Harvard’s. </p>
<p>I think zebra print owns all other prints.</p>
<p>Yo, Stanford sucks.</p>
<p>My school doesn’t have any [US college]s. We do have Sorbonne’s, Oxford’s, Cambridge’s, and all of that fun stuff.</p>