2014 SCEA hopefuls?

<p>went shopping, saw tons of bow headbands. but no purple. FAIL</p>

<p>Haha we should invite the yale facebook account to our group, maybe then they’d let us in? KIDDING! </p>

<p>I’m watching Gilmore Girls and Rory just got to Yale! Yay!</p>

<p>I was really bored and hungry, so…
[The</a> Yale Herald - October 18, 2002 - The buttery: everyone knows your name](<a href=“http://www.yaleherald.com/article.php?Article=1220]The”>http://www.yaleherald.com/article.php?Article=1220)
…made me super excited.</p>

<p>Last night I was talking to me best friend who lives in NY and when I come to visit he’s taking me on a road trip to the 3 colleges I want to visit :smiley: So excited!!!</p>

<p>Is anyone going to be in/around New York in October and fancies meeting up?</p>

<p>I fancy meeting up, but I am scheduled to be a stressful mess in October. Postpone meeting to Bull Dog Days. :)</p>

<p>PS, let’s discuss why [url=<a href=“http://www.yale.edu/admit/index.html]this[/url”>http://www.yale.edu/admit/index.html]this[/url</a>] owns [url=<a href=“http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/index.html]this[/url”>http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/index.html]this[/url</a>], [url=<a href=“http://www.princeton.edu/admission/]this[/url”>Princeton University Admission]this[/url</a>], and [url=<a href=“Page Not Found : Stanford University”>http://admission.stanford.edu/]this[/url</a>].</p>

<p>1) My favorite episode of Gilmore Girls, in all seven years of its existence, is the episode in which Rory goes to Yale for the first time. I would explain my obsession with this episode further, except with this group I know I don’t need to.
2) Lanaesque—saw no purple headbands, or no purple anything? Because you can wear whatever color headband you’d like, as long as it has a lop-sided bow. I personally will be wearing this one: <a href=“http://cn1.kaboodle.com/hi/img/b/0/0/7/d/AAAAC7_yCGAAAAAAAAfd8Q.jpg[/url]”>http://cn1.kaboodle.com/hi/img/b/0/0/7/d/AAAAC7_yCGAAAAAAAAfd8Q.jpg&lt;/a&gt;
3) Yale’s website is the least aesthetically pleasing and the most confusing, and yet it STILL totally owns the other 3. How do you like that, Harvard, Princeton, and Stannnnford?
4) I fancy meeting up, but I too will be nothing more than a chalk outline on the floor come October. Saddest.</p>

<p>If any of you are ever in New Haven, let me know! I’ll drive over in a hurry lol.
Yale’s website is a gorgeous blue. How can that not be aesthetically pleasing? :] I admit it’s somewhat confusing though.
It’s.been.real, I know you asked me about my interviewer and what he looked like lol. I found a picture for you! He’s Salvador Andrade.
[Student</a> Recruitment Coordinators | About Us | La Casa Cultural - Latino Cultural Center | Yale College](<a href=“Yale College”>Yale College)</p>

<p>Haha sorry I should have realised that opening an invite for anything a week before applications are due wouldn’t be a good idea! :D</p>

<p>But anyway, if anyone gets their application all finished before then and would still like to meet for snackz and chatz then let me know :slight_smile: I’ll be staying in Brooklyn, so it’ll be easy to travel anywhere reasonably close by.</p>

<p>Check this out - [Purple</a> satin bow headband - recommendation by espy - ThisNext](<a href=“http://www.thisnext.com/item/E7EF8796/028EC47E/Purple-satin-bow-headband]Purple”>http://www.thisnext.com/item/E7EF8796/028EC47E/Purple-satin-bow-headband) Do want!</p>

<p>Oh and reading all those descriptions of what those students are up to makes me so excited!</p>

<p>I LOVED THAT EPISODE. I love the episode when Rory gets into Yale, Princeton and Harvard and the episode after that where she makes her pro/con lists and picks Yale and how her mom redecorated her Harvard wall and made it a yale wall and bought her the shirt from Kirk’s little tshirt business that said “Rory goes to yale” annnnd I loved the episode where Rory first visits Yale…and the one where she starts her first day at Yale. </p>

<p>I ALMOST GOT A PURPLE SHIRT. it was SO PRETTY. but it didnt fit right and i was gonna get a smaller size since it was just so baggy at the collarbone part and just felt so weird but got lazy. BUUUUT I did get a purple dress. Can I wear that instead?? It’s super cute.</p>

<p>My headband will look something like this:
<a href=“http://www.forever21.com/product.asp?catalog_name=FOREVER21&category_name=acc_hat_hairgoods&product_id=1057976351&Page=all[/url]”>http://www.forever21.com/product.asp?catalog_name=FOREVER21&category_name=acc_hat_hairgoods&product_id=1057976351&Page=all&lt;/a&gt;
but satin and more floppy. hahahahah.</p>

<p>I actually like Yale’s website…but then again, I go on it so often I basically know where everything is :slight_smile: haha otherwise, I can see how it might be a bit hard to navigate. It’s the easiest one for me hahahah.</p>

<p>portugueseninja–Nope. No chances of me going to NY in Oct haha! BUT I KNOW. I love reading all those student profile things. So coooool. So exciting.</p>

<p>I LOVE Yale’s website. I know it’s weird to judge a college by its website but I really do. Brown’s confuses me. Harvard’s makes me feel welcome.</p>

<p>Is anyone else here applying to Grinnell?</p>

<p>If we all get into Yale and hang out together wearing purple bow headbands people will think we’re really weird haha. Loves it! That one is super cute. I also like this a lot - [purple</a> bow headband (Gossip Girl inspired) : truealchemy - ArtFire Accessories](<a href=“http://www.artfire.com/modules.php?name=Shop&op=listing&product_id=326950]purple”>http://www.artfire.com/modules.php?name=Shop&op=listing&product_id=326950)</p>

<p>Ooo, I have tons of headbands xD I’m a total headband girl, bows, leaves, tiedie, brands.</p>

<p>and new york is completely across the US for me, bummer. If you ever decide to visit stanford though, that’s closer</p>

<p>speaking of stanford, did everyone and their mother get rejected? well, obviously not since they have a class. But we had two guys get into harvard and princeton (not yale D=) who applied to stanford early, and didnt even get deferred. weeeiirrrdd?</p>

<p>That is weird. I have this impression that Stanford is really picky. Are they need-blind for US citizens? Stanford never appealed to me, I’m not sure why. One of my friends went there though, he’s a rapper now <em>thumbs up</em></p>

<p>Stanford was a SLAUGHTERHOUSE this year. Like…it was ridiculous. I think they accepted 1 person. And that person probably matriculated at Yale instead. Suck THAT Standford. </p>

<p>All the Rory/Yale episodes are ma faves. </p>

<p>And just for the record…I was being sarcastic about the bejeweled, zebra-striped headband. As outgoing as I am, I don’t do animal printz.</p>

<p>FOOOOR REAL. Nobody at our school got accepted and just observing CC, it looked insane. Didn’t they call it the Stanford Slaughter? Or something like that? haahahah. </p>

<p>I know someone that goes to Stanford but she got accepted like 3 years ago.</p>

<p>Hahahha well I would totally wear something like that. For real. I’ve been waiting to get my hands on a leopard print headband. But yes yes I love headbands too. And not just because I saw Blair wear them… no. that’s not it at alll…</p>


<p>Our school always has quite a few people who get into Stanford. We had 3/4 (I’m not exactly sure if the 4th actually got in…) people get in to Stanford (2 accepted RD, 1 went to Yale instead), but that is pretty low to be honest (we usually have at least 5 people going to Stanford, and a few more who got in chose other colleges).</p>

<p>lolololol, we don’t have ANY Stanford, but 3 Yale’s and 4 Harvard’s. </p>


<p>I think zebra print owns all other prints.</p>

<p>Yo, Stanford sucks.</p>

<p>My school doesn’t have any [US college]s. We do have Sorbonne’s, Oxford’s, Cambridge’s, and all of that fun stuff.</p>