2014 SCEA hopefuls?

<p>I can’t, I’m at work until 9pm :frowning: No nutella here…</p>


I think one of the best ways to start the essay process is to come up with some endearing qualities/attributes about yourself that you want to portray in your essay. Once you know what you want the essay to reveal about yourself, then you can start finding out unique ways to write your essay by using the “show not tell” method and integrating meaningful experiences that help shed light on who you are as a person.
Hoped that helped :)</p>

<p>Oh, and this is a great article that helps explain the “show not tell” method
<a href=“http://www.virginia.edu/undergradadmission/writingtheessay.html[/url]”>http://www.virginia.edu/undergradadmission/writingtheessay.html&lt;/a&gt;

<p>YO, I was just going to post that as help (I feel like it was posted somewhere around here earlier) </p>

<p>Second everything melody said. Think about what you want to say first, then you pick a medium for how to say it. It doesn’t work out so grandly if you do it the other way around because then you end up uselessly illustrating an event in your life that nobody cares about :frowning: </p>

<p>PN, don’t go there babe. Come back. WE LOVE YOU :D</p>

<p>By announcing this, I’m ruining it, but I just wanted to point out that today we hit 1,234 posts. </p>

<p>ONE TWO THREE FOUR, UNO DOS TRES CUATRO. I know you want me, want me. You know I wantchya, wantchya. I know you want me, want me.</p>

<p>Officially home, had dinner, watched some comedy and now the night is mine for relaxion. Yaaaay!</p>

<p>I have to get up at 7am tomorrow for this LAME meeting that actually has nothing to do with my job. Y’all better be enjoying your youth, because it’s all downhill from here.</p>

<p>You guys. I just had a total OMG YALE moment.</p>

<p>So I was just reading that other thread about RD and SCEA and the post that mentions the adcoms viewing the applications with fresh eyes at the beginning. And I thought for a second what it would be like to be one of those adcoms just reading through the last application of the SCEA and having their final list of admitted students and I kind of imagined them saying something like “looks like we’ve got our early action class”. In four months, some of us might be in that class. Crazy.</p>

<p>There is SO much stuff in this process that is just COMPLETELY out of our control and it sucks. That was the “moment” I had today. </p>

<p>What if you’re writing about your relationship with your mom and your reader has a HORRIBLE relationship with his or her mom and can’t relate.
What if they just broke up with their significant other that day and are just in a REALLY ****y mood.
What if they live in an apartment building and the upstairs neighbor’s baby just WON’T stop crying so they can’t fully concentrate on your application?
What if yours is the last one they read and they’ve just had it so they don’t even finish yours…</p>


<p>Now I’m in a bad mood.</p>

<p>YO, totes just posted EXACTLY an hour after you. </p>

<p>Wez got dem braynewavez conektd.</p>

<p>I prefer not to think about that. Instead, I just think that the admissions officers have got mad skillz and always make good decisions. :)</p>

<p>“Y’all better be enjoying your youth, because it’s all downhill from here.”</p>

<p>i was kind of looking forward to being an adult :frowning: well, like, 18-22 ish.</p>

<p>It’s not just one adcom who reads it though is it, the applications get read at least twice. So if they strongly disagree on something they could consult further opinions from other people.</p>

<p>Don’t worry chair, I’m an eternal pessimist :)</p>

<p>Wait, LOL. You’re also a master of contradictions. </p>

<p>“Encouraging words about admissions officers, trust that everything will turn out okay because it will blah blah blah. Yo, I’m an eternal pessimist, guys”</p>

<p>LIAR. ;)</p>

<p>I found my admissions officer’s name here ([Staff</a> Directory | Contact Us | Office of Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://www.yale.edu/admit/contact/staff.html]Staff”>http://www.yale.edu/admit/contact/staff.html)) and then proceeded to stalk her on Google. It was both an enlightening and nervewracking experience.</p>

<p>Oh, well, you know, I actually met my regional admissions officer. Introduced myself, had a little conversation, got her contact info, had some e-mail correspondence with her, etc. </p>

<p>Not a big deal though so don’t really worry about it or anything.</p>

<p>I’m equally optimistic and pessimistic. It’s weird. I’m grateful to be alive and I appreciate every moment I have on this planet. But I also appreciate that we’re doomed as a race and I’ve already lived about a 1/5 of my life and in only 4 more lengths like that that’ll be me over and done with. I think the human race is amazing and wonderful and yet I simultaneously hate us with a passion because we’re selfish, jealous and on the whole, unenlightened and don’t see the good things in life. I think the idea of god is magical and yet if he exists then he is equally as mean as he is magical and letting the world get to the way it is now would mean he is a sadist tosser. But the world is as beautiful as it is awful.</p>

<p>I’m a walking contradiction. But there’s two sides to every coin, right? I’m a big ol’ Great British pound coin.</p>

<p>And rocker, I think that counts as stalking. Which makes you either awesome or creepy. Or the perfect amount of both.</p>

<p>And I love that it lets me write tosser. Take that, CC censorship! Britishisms FTW.</p>

<p>There’s mad bugs flying around my computer screen currently. </p>

<p>Just wanted to share that with everybody. </p>


<p>I don’t even know what a tosser is but it doesn’t sound very pleasant.</p>

<p>Yeah, well, [I fully typed out your real name] IBreal, I actually met your mom. Introduced myself, had a little conversation, got her contact info, had some e-mail correspondence with her, etc.</p>

<p>Those mad bugs are your children. Love them.</p>

<p>So low.
(Not the skanky pants.)</p>