<p>Or we could just, you know, walk across Yale to meet up at each other’s residential colleges and just keep in touch there. :)</p>
<p>It’ll happen, kids.</p>
<p>PS, I don’t want no other guys.</p>
<p>Or we could just, you know, walk across Yale to meet up at each other’s residential colleges and just keep in touch there. :)</p>
<p>It’ll happen, kids.</p>
<p>PS, I don’t want no other guys.</p>
<p>Oops, sorry! I lost track of my optimism for a second thanks for reeling me back in. </p>
<p>P.S. (you do PSes differently) I get the impression that you’re a tad territorial, yo</p>
<p>Don’t waste periods, wasteful American.</p>
<p>I’m not territorial, I just don’t share what is rightfully mine.</p>
<p>Haha Rocker’s going to establish a killer rep when he strolls in on the first day, I can see it :]</p>
<p>Yes, all the other boys will be extremely jealous of this kid who went to Ashley’s BEFORE school even started with a million girls at once. </p>
<p>Guys, I don’t want to be a junior member anymore :(</p>
<p>I don’t want to have 2000 posts anymore.</p>
<p>It’s like a trampstamp of the word “SLUT.”</p>
<p>PS, I like that rep.</p>
<p>Can you donate some of your posts to the needy?</p>
<p>Wow, I’m a Nutella addict. It was meant to be.</p>
<p>It’s.been.real, you’re almost there (to junior member!)! You should go post random smiley faces everywhere or tell jokes!</p>
<p>Assuming one needs 300 posts to be a “member,” then that technique would take me about 21 minutes to complete, seeing as CC is a ******bag MAJOR (channeling Zenon here, guys, don’t worry about it…) and only lets you post in 1 minute intervals. </p>
<p>Does anyone else find this endlessly annoying?</p>
<p>HAHHAHAHAHAH it won’t let you type d o u c h e</p>
<p>…but on the good side I now only need 20 more posts. Watch it be like 350 necessary posts…I’ll be so disappointed when I finally get to 300 posts and I’m still a junior member. </p>
<p>You’ll all have to be my crying shoulders when that day comes.</p>
<p>its.been.real. “I mean, hell, this is a group of people who will understand if a bird pooped on your face in the shape of a Y and you took it as a good omen.”</p>
<p>I laughed so hard when i read that. Come to think of it, the other day i was walking into my house and noticed that the lock on my door said yale on it, and took it as a sign. I became incredibly excited but then realized that there’s a locks company named “yale”. :(</p>
<p>it’s.been.real you only joined in JULY?! But it feels like you’ve been here forever. Madness.</p>
<p>And yeah I went to bed at 2.30am. Urgh. That’s pretty good for me though.</p>
<p>I can smell bacon.</p>
<p>And in other news, I’m thinking of getting a math tutor. It’s expensive, but I guess it’ll be worth it if I get a good SAT score. Algebra will not get the better of me!</p>
<p>Is anyone else applying to Colgate? The question on their supplement is a bit rubbish:</p>
<p>“We honor the many different forms of diversity in our community. Your perspective is valuable because it comes from your life experiences, family background, and culture. Please tell us about yourself and what you believe is the best way to share your perspective. Also, what do you hope to learn from the experiences of others?”</p>
<p>I think Colgate is a bit rubbish. </p>
<p>I know if feels like I’ve been here for forever, what with being a trailblazer with that whole facebook thing and all, but it’s true, I’ve only been here since July. Although I was on CC way before that, for most of junior year, I just had to change my username. </p>
<p>Thefranchize, I’m glad I made you laugh That’s my one true purpose in life. Honestly. The whole being successful, changing the world thing…not so much…</p>
<p>I don’t post for like a day and I get to read through 5 pages of posts! I feel like if you’re not checking on here every few hours, you’re definitely missing out! Ha. </p>
<p>I’m so jealous of those of you who have actually written essays! I have at least 10 to write, and I’ve only actually started writing one of them, and it’s for Lehigh which I don’t even care about. I have such a hard time thinking of what to write! Especially for my common app essay. Do you guys have any strategies for brainstorming? </p>
<p>And btw I second everything everyone said about being happy for those that get in and all that :)</p>
<p>I just found a group on facebook about nutella that I think we all would enjoy:
[Login</a> | Facebook](<a href=“http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=2212620914]Login”>http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=2212620914)</p>
<p>I’m at work and losing the will to live. And in between doing work I’m trying to learn math stuff and it’s not making any sense and it’s depressing :(</p>
<p>The only thing that’s helping me right now is thoughts of Yale…</p>
<p>Wait, s h i t, PN!!! DON’T FEEL THAT WAYY!!! >:(
Go eat nutella. Like, now. Chocolate has phenylephylamine. And keep thinking happy Yale thoughts.</p>