2014 Scholarship Criteria

<p>Mother of a junior here and am just curious if anyone knows when the university will confirm the scholarship criteria for next year’s applicants (2014 high school graduates)?</p>

<p>Is there any reason to think they will change?</p>


<p>I know that this for the kids who are seniors in high school now, the change was announced in July. The major change was not in how to qualify, but was in what the award was. Previously Nat Merit Finalist got 4 years housing scholarship. For the class of 2017, it is only one year’s housing, but it is still 4 years tuition.</p>

<p>While there’s no reason to think things will chance, there’s no way to really know. Last year’s change to the NMF award was a surprise. </p>

<p>Which scholarship are you wondering about?</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies. Primarily interested in UA Scholar and Presidential. S is in the middle of the test taking process, so no firm results yet.</p>

<p>i would guess that since it just changed this year, that i probably won’t change next year.</p>

<p>but there are no guarantees.</p>

<p>I’m guessing that UA Scholar and Presidential will not be changing and this is why:</p>

<p>Bama is growing its STEM majors, particularly engineering, and it wants those high stats kids in those depts.</p>

<p>I had the same question as OP a year ago. I told my son not to assume the scholarship criteria would be the same. That was a polite way of telling him to work hard and take nothing for granted. I recommended he take practice SAT tests, which he did grudgingly. He made great strides and lifted his scores enough to qualify for UA scholar. He is also more prepared for college wherever he finally decides.</p>