2015 AAs Where Are You Applying?

<p>Yeah, so I began this little minithread within another and was just interested to know where everyone else was applying, I've finalized my list.</p>

<p>Intended Major: International Relations/ Foreign Language (Arabic/Russian/French <3)</p>


<p>Yale or Harvard, stretching towards Yale right now!</p>

<p>Please contribute.</p>

<p>I also finalized my list today, so here goes:</p>

University of Washington
University of Portland
Seattle University</p>

<p>Intended major: English, pre-med track</p>

<p>The first five are big reaches, but I am really hoping for Dartmouth or Stanford. Either one would make me a very happy girl :)</p>

<p>No one likes Cornell? I’m disappointed…</p>

<p>^It’s the upstate NY factor. :o
And RajLon, I would advise you to apply to both Harvard and Yale, and then make a choice from there if you are admitted to either.</p>

<p>Right now the plan is to apply to a lot of schools but I don’t know how much applications I’ll be able to take:</p>

Harvard( my mother wants me to)
U of Chicago
UNC Chapel Hill
NC State
Oxford or Cambridge</p>

<p>I’m Caribbean and Cuban, they don’t have a thread for URM multiracials so do I count? :stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>Anyway here’s my list:
Princeton (leaning more towards Harvard)
John Hopkins
NYU (Safety)
George Washington U. (Safety)
UC Berkely
also Oxford or Cambridge of UK
Major: Public Health, or International Relations/Politics depending on where I get accepted</p>

<p>@abercrombieindy- how are you going about deciding you qualifications for either school? (Ox or Cam) I’m kind of stuck trying figure out the whole “international” thing XD</p>

<p>I’m starting to research and ask around about the process. But as of right now I’m kinda clueless.</p>

<p>Here’s mine:</p>

Stony Brook
Ohio State
Carnegie Mellon</p>

<p>Going into engineerign if you are wondering.</p>


<p>to those who have already decided to, GOOD MOVE =DDD</p>

<p>@ksarmand: I just might, I feel I have less of a chance at Harvard, but I never know, a miracle might happen. And I think my mother and some others would be really disappointed if I didnt, I might even be…
I’m gonna check out their programs 2day!</p>

<p>^I thought I had more of a chance at Yale and genuinely thought I would be happier there; sometimes, I still do.</p>

<p>And then I was waitlisted, but unfortunately, I was too much a fool at the time to accept the offer of the waitlist. So apply to both - you never know.</p>

UNC-Chapel Hill</p>

<p>Those are my top choices at this point. If I don’t get into Stanford REA, i’ll apply to most of the Ivies RD. If I do get in, I’ll apply to only Harvard, Princeton, and Yale for RD.</p>

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>NYU is hardly a safety…</p>


<p>please don’t use NYU and GWU as safetiesi :frowning: NYU isn’t a definite “in” for many people, my best friend was rejected with nearly perfect scores as an URM. It was her first choice, and although she was accepted almost everywhere else she applied, NYU was one of her first choices and she didn’t get in.
And GWU is huge on “demonstrated interest,” so if you just use the school as a safety, it is not a definite “in” either.
Maybe your local state university could be a good safety?</p>

<p>here’s my list…
intended major- communications/broadcast journalism</p>

<li>virginia tech</li>
<li>james madison university</li>
<li>virginia commonwealth university</li>
<li>george mason university</li>
<li>old dominion university</li>
<li>university of maryland- college park</li>

I see. . .however, I definitely don’t plan on staying in FLA! I moved from New York City a couple of years ago, and I really don’t like Florida schools : ( Maybe I’ll apply to Rochester or Syracuse as a safety instead, with match schools being NYU and GWU : )</p>

I feel comfortable enough with my stats to deem it as such : )</p>


<p>There are many state schools in NY that are a great deal. They cost more for OOS students, but they’re still pretty cheap. I know CUNY Hunter is a good one, and there are other CUNY schools that you can apply to and possibly be accepted to under the Honors program (which is harder to get into, but has many perks as well :)). Good luck next year!</p>

<p>Thanks for the great info! I will check them out! Good luck for you too! ^^</p>

<p>Samiseoul, I was accepted into the Macaulay Honors program at Hunter, if that is what lapras was referring to. It’s an excellent program with many benefits, and I highly encourage you to apply. Here’s more information on it:</p>

<p>[Macaulay</a> Honors College](<a href=“http://macaulay.cuny.edu/]Macaulay”>http://macaulay.cuny.edu/)</p>

<p>Good luck. </p>

<p>P.S.: By the way, Macaulay Honors - at any of the campuses - isn’t a safety either.</p>