2015 African Americans thread...

<p>^^ @ quortneykolen: yes apply to princeton! i am now too :slight_smile: haha we’ll anxiously await decisions next spring! who knows what could happen :)</p>

<p>Anyone considering applying to Howard? <3</p>

<p>@quortneykolin you should. i never would have imagined that i’d get into princeton, but i did. anything’s possible.</p>


I probably won’t apply to Howard, or any other HBCU for that matter. I’ve never considered going to an all-black school. I value diversity and I wouldn’t want attend a school that’s 90% white or 90% black. That said, I still think Howard, and other HBCU’s are respectable institutions. I know many people attending HBCU’s, but I personally don’ think that an HBCU would be the best fit for me.</p>

<p>Has anyone recieved any National Merit stuff. I got the student match with college think from National merit but I don’t know anything about National Achievement- what if I don’t…
get it???

<p>Yea, I got NM student info service thing. Nothing from Achievement</p>

<p>I also got the “student search” letter from NM. My principal got a letter for me about NA, but it just wanted to verify that my contact information was correct. I didn’t get a chance to read all of it.</p>

<p>Nobody should be worried about NA/NM stuff right now, wait until next fall when the actual letters that matter come out.</p>

<p>I CAN’T WAIT</p>

<p>I am applying to </p>

GA Tech

<p>is that too many?</p>

<p>@ nicolenhs, that’s definitely not too many. i’m actually planning to add more colleges to my list. applying to several colleges is a good idea just so you have a lot of options. right now, i only have about 6 on my list, but i’ll probably move it up to 8 or 9 by august.</p>

<p>^^That is an extensive list of schools. To be honest, I would narrow it down to 3 safeties that I really liked, 3 match or low reach schools, to which I would apply EA, and 3 absolute reaches like HYPSM and schools of similar caliber, to which I would also apply to EA, if possible. I applied to eleven schools, but my list was extremely lopsided with very few matches or low reaches, and I did not apply EA anywhere, which made the wait grueling. Try and cut your list down to 9 - application fees can add up to be quite expensive.</p>

<p>@nicolehs, that may or may not be too many, depending on what you want. What are your match, reach, and safety schools? What are you looking for in a college? If you can answer some of those questions definitively, then your list could be smaller. Otherwise, if you’re undecided, like me, then there really isn’t a problem with applying to that many schools. Like quortneykolen said, you want to have options. But there are always application fees…</p>

<p>edit: looks like ksarmand beat me to it</p>

I hope not my list is </p>

Ohio State
Uchicago </p>

<p>and maybe st. johns in maryland</p>

<p>I am very worried about applying to this many and not getting in ANYWHERE</p>

<p>Everyone not applying to Cornell, do it. Do it now.</p>

<p>Is Cornell easier to get into? I know it has a higher acceptance rate than the other ivies but I would still be nervous about it.</p>

<p>^It depends on which college you’re applying to.</p>

<p>Harambee’s right. Apparently my major (AEM) in the college of agricultural and life sciences only takes 100 students a year and is really hard to get into, yet has no required subject tests. However, the college of arts and sciences requires subject tests for some majors and has the highest acceptance rate I believe, but that is probably due to it being the biggest college. I applied for Economics from the college of arts and sciences and my current major. I didn’t take any subject tests and they still let me in. Bottom line: It’s only easier than other ivies because there’s more students, and then only slightly. However, if they want you there, they’ll take care of things so you can go.</p>

<p>^no subject test!!!</p>

<p>^ I know right. I didn’t wanna take those at all.</p>

<p>OMG I took like 6 of them because I was so paranoid I wouldn’t get into college.</p>

<p>I dont know how i got in. I didn’t send ANY midyear reports either.</p>