Hi, a friend of mine was offered to be put on waitlist to UC Santa Cruz and I was wondering what are the chances of someone getting accepted off the waitlist.
Also, if anyone has any status updates for the 2016 waitlist, it would be really helpful to post those because she is kind of depressed since that was her top choice.
In the last two years, they over admitted and didn’t let anybody in off the waitlist. It could be different this year but don’t count on it. Good luck!
Wow, hopefully this year they do accept a few from the waitlist. Thank you
Yea I know how she feels. I was waitlisted in 2014 and wasn’t informed until beg of May. Although it’s a 50/50 chance it seems like 99/1 chance… Good luck!
Tell her to appeal if she can, I was digging through some threads from the last 2 years from people who were previously waitlisted and it seems that if you appeal while you’re on the waitlist, you have a more of a chance to get in on the appeal.
If anything in your situation has changed you might want to try an appeal. I’m a current senior in bioengineering at UCSC and back in 2012 I was also put on the waitlist, but submitted an appeal and managed to get in.
I would say it is extremely doubtful that they will let anyone in off of the waitlist and if they do it will be a very small amount. An appeal is your best bet and you don’t really have anything to lose.
Thank you, I’ll tell her to submit an appeal if she didn’t mention something significant in her UC app or if something has changed.
Waitlisted, just as well. Read article on potential loss of NCAA III athletics due to California’s short funding( Berkeley is even soliciting alumni for funding for scholarships this year). UCSC, according to article, has 2 years of funding left. Existing athletes must pay directly out of pocket for alot.
@uwphoto48 how will this effect us on the waitlist?
it is kind of joke? why would they have 10000 people on wait list? My friends a lot of them are in waitlist.
I got waitlisted as well. My major was environmental science.
Same here . UCSC is my dream school but was put on the waitlist
. Hopefully it’s not like the last two years where they did not accept anyone off the waitlist . Fingers crossed . I should have appealed but it’s too late. Until then, it’s time to start thinking of other options . Idk if the odds are exactly in our favor .
10,000 people on the waitlist???
The UC’s are getting harder to get into and I know a lot of students who only got into UCSC. They received a record # of apps and accepted the largest amount this year. I assume a lot of students will be committing to UCSC this year since they didn’t get into anywhere else. That being said, I attended an admitted students event today and not everyone seemed very keen on attending. Seems like students had other options. So there’s really no way to be sure. Just given how many people I know were rejected from other UC’s but accepted to Santa Cruz, I would expect that less people make it off the waitlist.
Your friend … Who was waitlisted… Major? GPA? SAT/ACT scores… Curious
Wait list acceptances are usually not posted until after May 1 since the schools need to know how many spots are available.
just got accepted from waitlist!!!
Congrats @TLOP20XX ! Did you appeal?