2019 Acceptances

Has anyone heard anything yet regarding 2019 Acceptances? My S really likes their MT program with the dance concentration.

I’ve been lurking for a while now and it doesn’t seem as though anyone has heard anything. Last year they sent them out on March 16th I believe, and it was done through an email directing to a school portal. Fingers crossed! Side note, did your S get interviewed? On their site it said that there was an interview in the audition and I wasn’t interviewed so I’m curious if that’s changed.

My S was not really interviewed. He auditioned during Chicago Unifieds. He was audited by the head of the program and he was very nice and encouraging but the words they exchanged would not constitute an interview.

Alright well that’ll put an end to that anxious speculating! Thanks! I wish the best for your S, we’ll all wind up where we need to be.

@kittym same as my S. He auditioned for MTD program and loved meeting the head of the department.
I heard 3/15 is the day. Fingers crossed.

For what it’s worth, my D didn’t get ‘interviewed’ either. It was very much in and out and minimal chit chat. She was also seen during Chicago Unifieds.

I had heard today was the day they would release their acceptances. Anyone know if that is true?

@CoffeeNTheatre yes today is the day! Sending good vibes to all of us!

My son audtioned for MT-Dance anyone else? They have three tracks at CCPA MT, MT-Dance and Theatre.

Got accepted into their Acting program!

Roosevelt Decisions are out there. My S just got his acceptance into the MTD program.

Accepted into the acting program.

@kittym my S was accepted also to MTD congratulations.

D is on the wait list for MT and very hopeful. If anyone from previous years has info about how their wait list works or if many kids get off of it I would so appreciate it.

Hi-my D got accepted into acting program.

I was accepted into the MTD and I will most likely be attending!! So excited:))

@etiernomt my son was accepted to MTD also. Make sure you join the facebook group for admitted MT, MTD and Acting class of 2023.

We will be at the April 10 accepted student day.

@MTmom19 I’ll be there on April 10th too! Do you have the link to the facebook group? I know nothing about it. Thank you!

@Ill ask my son to screen shot it. It is for the kids