2019 EA and ED

The decision notification is just around the corner so I wanted to start a thread. Applicants are welcome to post their decision and stats here.

Admitted EA, $116,000 Lux Esto scholarship! Good luck to everyone!

ACT: 32
GPA: 3.95 uw
APs: 6

Admitted EA, $124,000 Lux Esto. I echo the previous commenter’s sentiment and wish everyone good luck in this process. It’s easy to get caught up linking self-esteem to acceptances, but always remember that this decision isn’t everything, and college is always what you make of it, no matter where you go.

I’m a male from St. Louis, Missouri, but I feel like giving away stats is beside the point. I think we get too wrapped up in sharing stats that we forget about how complicated evaluations can be. We are all worth more than test scores and GPA can possibly tell, and the complicated nature of every person does not go unnoticed by college counselors. To anyone viewing this to “chance themselves,” give it a rest. The more you go down the “chance me” rabbit hole, the more you stress yourself out. That’s my two cents. I hope all admitted students feel pride in their achievement, and all deferrals or rejections do not hang over those who received them.

Feel free to add your stats to this thread if you feel like it. After all, maybe it’s my fault for not playing along. :slight_smile:

When did you guys get the decision? I am an international, still haven’t received anything.

Admitted EA, $132,000 Lux Esto scholarship! I wish everyone the best of luck!

ACT: 32
Top 10%
GPA (weighted-my school is weird and doesn’t have unweighted GPA): 4.425
Full IB candidate: 3 HL’s (predicted 5-English Lit A, predicted-6 Econ, predicted 6-Biology) and 3 SL’s (scored 6-Chemistry, predicted 7-Mandarin B, predicted 6-Math)
EC’s: NHS (secretary/treasurer), NHS tutor for Mandarin Chinese, musical theatre (cast member, 1 show per year), community engagement (March For Our Lives, other youth speaking/organizing events), piano (private, intermediate, 10 years), voice (private, intermediate, 5 years), student ambassador (5 years)

Hello sheikhmujtaba1. I actually received my admittance super early; I received an email saying that my portal had been updated late November. I wish you the best of luck! :slight_smile:

Does anyone know around what time today EA decisions will be sent out? Thanks!

@seattle44 - D just got an update on her portal so it looks like decisions are out!

Got in with $124k lux esto. Alhumdulilah and MashaAllah.

deferred :frowning: does anyone know if deferred international applicants still have a shot at scholarships?