2021-2022 USC Transfer

Any other TTPers haven’t received an SGR at all? I know we’ve all come to the conclusion that SGRs are probably neutral, but most people here who haven’t received SGRs are regular transfer applicants.

Btw, have you guys schedule to go to the academic department presentation that is under the virtual tours? I’m sure a lot of our questions that are school specific can also be answered… unfortunately Price is supposed to resume in May but I haven’t seen it pop up on the calendar… I would suggest checking it out.

hi everyone!

i’m new to this forum – i’ve been lurking on here for quite a while, and figured it was time to join :slight_smile:

i’m an incoming junior, 3.78 gpa, and applied to marshall. not a ttp or legacy, from a CCC. i actually applied to USC last year for a sophomore transfer and got denied, but i’m feeling much more hopeful about this year. i got accepted to UCSB and UCI, and waitlisted at UCLA, so we’ll see.
just wanted to pop in and say hello during this super stressful time period – good luck to everyone!!!


I’m in the same boat as you i’m currently applying as an incoming junior from CCC
(non TTP or Legacy)

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Hello and welcome! I assume you are at AUP or another partner university? You will be fine with that gpa. They are just making sure you completed what you said on your application and haven’t tanked since then. It’s just a matter of time…

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Do you think I could take a photo of my official high school transcript (I have a copy somewhere in my room) and upload it to my portal as USC waits for the actual copy in the mail? :thinking:

Hello! Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

We’re actually in a very similar situation- I too am non TTP and non Legacy, have a 3.79, and got into UCI. However, with regards to UCLA, I got rejected. I am majoring in Sociology. Best of luck as always, I will pray that you will get in this year as opposed to last!


awww thanks! it’s really nice to meet people that are in similar situations. really makes you feel like you’re not alone :slight_smile:

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Hey, I had a similar issue and when I called admissions this is exactly what they told me to do :slight_smile:

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Oh okay, thanks!! That’s what I’ll go do right now then lol

With the way UC applications were flooded this year and how UCLA and Berkeley accepted around half as many people as last year (a significant decrease), I really hope that it isn’t the case this year for USC. It’s probably the last option I have left other than UCI. Hopefully they will be more understanding.

I think they had more people accepted this year. UCB even had spring admits

They had fewer admits this year. UC Berkeley only accepted 3700 transfers compared to the usual 4200, and UCLA only accepted 3400, compared to the usual 6200.

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Can you share your source? :slight_smile:

Oh wow. I just uploaded it 10 mins ago and now it’s green. This tells me that they’re up at 4 pm right now lol, working on releasing decisions maybe?

My rejection emails :sob:

ahhh… sorry to hear that… maybe you’re destine for awesome privates like USC :pray:


hey guys its friday and i’m dying waiting but do you guys know what time they usually send decisions?

are you non-ttp/non-legacy and what major?

around 6pm