2021-2022 USC Transfer

A week from now we will most likely know our decisions :exploding_head:


acceptance time!!


-mind blown-

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If they are lurking, they are prob. impressed by what an upbeat crew this is! :slight_smile:

27 minutes 55 seconds til 1pm PST or when withdraw buttons may disappear.

this forum has been so helpful lol. We have been there for one another these past few extremely long feeling months lol. USC sure does know how to give their hopefuls the run around ■■■■■.



imagine if when decisions were released, they would have those YouTube premiere countdown things. it’d be like a party.

lol this man is counting counting. That is the earliest though. I would anticipate 4ish to be safe. Thats if we are even going to hear anything today. I am hoping we do thoughhhh.

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I stg the acceptance confetti on the admission status update will make me shed some grown man tears dawgggggg

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imagine if nothing comes out today. (and I oop :roll_eyes:) even after all this anticipation

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If the withdraw buttons disappear later today, I’d be down to do a decisions waiting party in the transfers discord

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I graduated high school last year and did not apply because I did not have the grades for usc or ucla. I grinded for a year and a half and raised a 3.75 with 60+ units just so I can apply again lmao

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you deserve a Nobel prize. :crown:


shiii ill just settle for an acceptance :joy:


For all the people taking finals soon good luck! Don’t let these decisions distract you from your coursework, decisions will come out eventually so keep your energy for your finals I know its hard! good luck guys :blush:


thanksss lol I have a whole math final coming up and im on here lol

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My calc 2 work looking at me like :man_standing:


damn what. gooood luck dude, you’ll do well. I’m done, so I’m just chillin but also stressin cause of these transfer decisions.

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if that aint the truth!

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