2021-2022 USC Transfer

USC rn


Me on ma portal screen rn image


at a certain point they will stop holding out I can bet money that by monday for sure some people will hear back.

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8 minutes 40 seconds.

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literally y’all r all amazing, u guys r at the doorstep of finding out! remember, ik it sounds corny but they once freaking rejected steven spielberg himself lol

ok :joy: but steve aint me and I aint himmm lmaooo

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do decisions usually come out at 1?

Is there confetti though lol? Can someone else confirm?

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we are speculating that the withdrawal button will go away


idk if there is confetti for sure a lot of do that. All I know is they have something special for those that get in like a video or confetti somethign nice.

its still there

so any updates anyone?

When I read last years forum this morning I didn’t see anything about withdraw buttons disappearing at 1 pm, at least on Thursday. I only saw the 4 pm ones.

Just went back, first button disappeared at 4:55

the button is still here

the AO’s are having a field day laughing at us rn lmao :clown_face:


Ok, so let’s assume hopefully some come out later tonight or tmrw. Ight peace out and stay positive everyone.

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Nothing on my end

Guys, I honestly think decisions will only come out when everyone stops talking about it lol, they are released when we least expect them to be

waiting for decisions is like watching water boil


lmao either way they running out of time lmao they need to run me my decision lmaoo