2021-2022 USC Transfer

I hope there are some more decisions tonight

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Yes, $300, use to be $800.

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Do you think they are done for today?

@CADREAMIN : I would recommend that you stop checking your portal for tonight, its a healthy choice :slight_smile:

Me: Yes, of course. You’re absolutely right

Also me: In denial


I don’t think it is vicious at all? Almost all transfer students will get housing, or so they stated. The admission fee for housing was extremely affordable too at $30. With $30 at stake my student SIR ed right of the bat knowing he could always change his mind if he wanted to.

congrats to everyone who was accepted

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was there only 1 wave?

I did my application for housing already they said it is not guaranteed

only anticipated. Im really just trying to focus on usc rn if I get rejected Ill tend to that usc is my everything rn lol

) I think you have nothing to worry about! You will get into USC 2) DIdn’t the admit package say housing for transfers was guaranteed if they applied by June 1? Great, one more thing to worry about. (Im headed to the pantry and the chocolate.)

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lol I guess I never read it I have only been reading the online info.

Like others my SGR disappeared. I did some snooping on previous forums and it seems to be an indicator that your decision is coming out soon :slight_smile:


nicee we love to hear it.

did it disappear now?

I believe mine disappeared today (early morning).

guys has anyone seen any biological sciences acceptances from dornsife?

someone please respond^^

still waiting for human bio. haven’t seen any

niceeee that was my alternative. GPA and stats? and did u do any letters of rec

I applied with a 4.0. I’ll be igetc certified and have all major pre reqs done except the physics series. I also did one letter of rec from a professor! I already committed to ucla though too

Same as my student!