2021-2022 USC Transfer

same :confused:

Hi guys,
Any biochemistry people get their decision yet?

Hey guys,

I just received an SGR (dornsife, non TTP). They need the grades by July 1st. However, I am studying in an Australian uni, meaning that I won’t get my results until July 9th. What should I do? I just sent an email to the office explaining my situation.

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They need to release decisions already :sob::rofl:🥲

who knows

Well good news, our apps are still in the running

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dornsife from CCC, still nothing here


Hey guys I was just wondering does anyone know anything about the Transfer Merit Scholars

please get in contact with you AO as soon you can… call email… do what you need to do to get someone to answer and give you a solution to your situation.


Me either

fingers crossed we hear something today

:crossed_fingers:t4: Yes

What time were decisions be sent out yesterday?

Around 5:17 P.M.

Dayum … I’m starting to lose hope

Eh… at least we’ll all know by Friday. They can’t keep holding us back forever.


My SGR green check disappeared as well and now it’s just under items we have received. Wonder what that means

that has happened to a handful of people so far

For Dornsife it says the latest we can hear from them is June 1st on their website.

Yes that is the date all transfer applicants will receive a decision or SGR. Wish they could let us know sooner.