2021-2022 USC Transfer

has anyone gotten anything today for marshall

Nothing yet

see you all on friday :slight_smile:

Weā€™ve been had. Big sad. The wait continues šŸ„²

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i dont understand their system, the UCā€™s just release decisions all in one date (admits and rejects), like whts the point of releasing it in waves? Welp weā€™ve waited this long i guess a few more days wonā€™t hurt :tired_face:

Comparing UCLA BusinessEcon & Marshallā€™s Business Adm, which one do you think is better?

Marshall business adm. I feel like the connections really come in handy as a undergraduate. I think in terms of education their about the same but Marshalls class sizes are smaller which I personally prefer. Both great schools though.

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Is there anybody that submitted their SGR that got a decision so far?

I agree! I just donā€™t have the heart to reject their offer. :sob:


have u gotten anything from SC yet, also if u donā€™t mind, can I ask wht ur stats r?

I havenā€™t heard back from usc.
Iā€™m an non ttp but legacy transferring from a CCC but Iā€™m an international student.
3.97 GPA. Iā€™d say 8/10 essay with only several (pretty strong) activities.

I got accepted to: LMU, UCB (econ), UCLA, UCI

Waiting: USC


USC Marshall, UCLA, UCB Haas, Stanford all four are targets for finance, consulting jobs in LA/SF
Canā€™t say which one is better cause they are all equally great


Dayumm! :sob: I feel like UCLA has the name but USC has the program :joy: Can I just get enrolled to both :joy:

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Actually, suprisingly, UCLA has the name recognition but isnā€™t a target school for Big 4 Consulting or MBB, very few people break in each year. You will see more USC/ UCB people break in.

go to UC berk they are great for econ

Dont know for sure for consulting but it definitely is a target for finance jobs ex, investment banks


Iā€™m here for the LA life though. HAHAHA I feel like UCB Econ are for the despo who are not confident enough to apply for HAAS. :worried:

I didnā€™t know that! This is hard bc UCLA is known more universally esp bc Iā€™m an international student

Good luck everyone! I am excited to go to school with you guys in Fall. No news today but WE GOT THIS. FTFO


Marshall, of course

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