2021-2022 USC Transfer

good luck to you too and everyone else tomorrow!

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Scholarship?! Wow congrats! Is it merit? Never thought they would offer it to transfers


Looking at you guys replying to this thread made me refresh the portal :joy: I thought someone got a decision

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Me wishing to get the scholarship but not even being accepted, and also having a horrible GPA because of one bad grade, and all other grades being an A. The PAIN of one bad grade really ruins your whole GPA even if you get A’s in all your other classes. :sob::sob:

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Merit scholarship is extremely competitive and tough for anyone to get, which makes it more insane of an achievement.

lol I just did the same a few mins earlier

Yeah I heard… crazy!

Only 40 people get it out of about 2,300 applicants accepted, so yeah, it’s harddd.

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GPA: 3.91/4.00
Extracurriculars, employment experience and community service activities: 12 – including being part of a brand-new program between USC and my community college about leadership (first cohort)
Awards: 3 (scholarships, including the Puente California Statewide Scholarship and Dean’s List since I started community college)
Essay highlights (some): Strong focus on how I was able to complete high school in three years at the same time I was learning English. I started HS when I was 17 and have been working very hard since then, earning 15+ scholarships thus far.


Congrats!!! you earned it :facepunch:t4:

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Thank you very much !

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Same!!! I also got the transfer merit but got a quarter coverage. Which coverage did they offer you?

The transfer merit scholarship is for quarter tuition. It’s not like some of the merit-based freshman scholarships that can cover half to full tuition. Congrats on getting the award as well :slightly_smiling_face:

Is it offered solely based on one’s gpa?

I wonder if the people who got accepted yesterday were all the scholarship winners since there was so few?

It is one of the factors, but not the only one. You can check it out here

They also consider rigor and other criteria that they may not mention. It does seem like most have a 3.7+ GPA though.

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No, it is not. While GPA is crucial to bolstering your chances for the scholarship, you ideally need to be very well-rounded (EC’s, essays, etc.)


Thank you both!!

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Thank you!!! I was not expecting that at all haha

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A quarter too, which I found so helpful giving how expensive USC can be.