2021-2022 USC Transfer

What will your final decision will be if you are accepted to USC?

That, I donā€™t know ā€¦ Several of my friends have SIRed to UCLA. My boyfriend is also in UCLA. Right now, I think its 60% UCLA, 40% USC


Honestly, everyone here would recommend USC including myself lmao

True. I really have to start deciding because their deadline for accepting is next week :pleading_face:

The Trojan Network is literally legendary lol, I kinda got ahead of myself and looked through the list of companies and firms that recruit on campus and made a plan of what internships Iā€™d like to do when I get in. If I get in. I really hope I get in lmao. I find it difficult to work when my future is uncertain.


I agree considering how easy my sister got her first legit job when in USC.


Business Econ at UCLA is pretty much an Econ major with a strong emphasis on Business. At USC, you have a great undergrad business program that UCLA does not. UCLA only has a graduate business school. So, Marshall, in my opinion would be better for any Business Admin majors. You will have an entire program dedicated and specialized to what you want to studyā€“business.

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Iā€™m pursuing investment banking and what Iā€™ve heard from recruiters is the target schools are Ivies, NYU, and Mich. Berk Haas and USC Marshall are next in line though- just has to do with geographic location. Target/nontarget schools for IB really only matter if youā€™re gunning for JP Morgan or Goldman though. Opportunities at middle market still plentiful, and USCā€™s alum network is unparalleled (one big reason Iā€™m transferring haha).

Btw, I received an email today saying that I got the USC Transfer Merit Scholarship. I canā€™t believe it yet!


Congrats!!! Does that mean that youā€™re admitted?

Okay all of this makes me choose usc over ucla aha

It all varies by location honestly, UCB UCLA Stanford USC are targets for LA/SF Offices but canā€™t guarantee for NYC offices.

Well, I was admitted yesterday and I received an email about that I won the scholarship today.


Ah I seeee


Ivies, NYU and all the other northeast biz schools could be target for NYC offices but canā€™t guarantee for LA/SF offices if this makes sense

Congratulations!! Can I ask what your stats were?

I agree with u network is insane!

Are you guys waiting until 8pm for the decision?

I think itā€™s safe to assume that no decisions will be released today. Itā€™s a definite no for me.


My hypothesis is that they are taking today off in order to prepare for the BIG wave, which will be coming very soon. By very soon, I mean tomorrow. Good luck everyone, we do not have much longer to wait! I hope you guys get the news that you deserve.