2021-2022 USC Transfer

Don’t think about your friends or your relationship when considering your personal and professional future. Do what you believe is best for you in the long-con.

We play the long game 'round here.


Hi, I am a junior transfer applicant for dornslife and I received a sgr.

I thought the pre req for transfer applicant for USC is just one writing requirement so I just took one over the two years, but I just found out that the dornslife requires two semester of writing.

Is there no chance of getting in if I didn’t take two semester of writing?I was expecting to get in when I received a sgr because I had a 4.0 this semester from BU, but now I’m really scared.

They can waive the prerequisite for you. I’d suggest explaining your situation to the admissions office. I think you have a good chance of still getting in because you achieved a 4.0 at a four-year, which is no easy process.

manifesting we all get accepted! full moon vibes


I do not want a scholarship. I just want acceptance. ONLY ACCEPTANCE

There’s also department/major specific pre reqs too, not only writing

Gm all y’all know USC loves admitting on Wednesdays may the Trojan force be with us. Good look guys let’s not pray for a wave let’s get a mfnnn tsunami :ocean: :crazy_face::crazy_face:


I read on their website that they want the 2nd writing class taken at USC and they I my require one writing class. I’ll find that and send it to you.

Look on page 12 under writing/composition

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Oh i thought it was Monday thursday and fridays

Good morning everyone! I hope you all are triumphing!

Here is an article I think everyone will enjoy. It is written by a Dornsife admissions team member and speaks on passion vs participation within the USC CommonApp!

Good luck everyone!


OMG!I just discovered this site and the transfer page for USC! Hello everyone! My name is Dex and I graduated passed the CHSPE and have been attending Santa Monica College for the past two years. I just graduated and I completed with a 3.92 GPA. I applied for the CS program at USC and I have a few accepted backups: Cal Poly SLO, UCB, SJSU,SFSU,UCI, and UCSC. Anyone else applying for CS?


y’all think we’ll hear anything 2 dae

I think it’s very likely, but honestly having to wait this long has me even doubting myself :sob:

I’m honestly unsure of my fate now


@ilikenutella1 I hope we do!



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What majors did y’all apply for? Are you guys all community college grads?

I applied under Sociology as my 1st choice and Cognitive Science as my 2nd choice. I ideally want to major in Cog Sci, but completed coursework for Sociology hence why I can’t flip my 1st and 2nd choice. I hope Sociology isn’t too impacted. And yes I finished CC last week.


Nice! Congrats @duuoui

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CS in my first choice and CECS is my second.