2021-2022 USC Transfer

Somehow, I got into Cal Poly Slo even though their transfer admit rate is 13% for CS. It’s my backup school.

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Thanks but I’m saving the congratulations for until I receive my decision from USC. I haven’t eased up completely just yet. It’s literally all I ask for.


Yeah, of course! I hope we all get in!


I am so excited to become a trojan in the next 2-3 days. It has been a dreammm


I’m a sophomore currently and I’m majoring in BFA design. Wbu?

good morning everyone… another day closer. Good luck to everyone if by the possibility there is a wave today. We never know… I am very much in my head this week so I will be here but probably not interacting as much.


I applied for Film Production!

I have an Associate of Art in General Education, and an Associate of Applied Science in Logistics.

I keep reminding myself that it’s not over yet. We still have a chance. But it’s hard because I only applied to USC, so I have no backup other than to return to my current university. I only chose my current school because I had to stay close to family and gave up studying on the East coast like I wanted all my life. So USC is my second chance to go where I actually want to go but it’s also my last chance. Thank you everyone for all the positive vibes in this thread because it’s amazing.


I applied for Creative Writing and I am a sophomore at a UC studying the same major.

It’s a bit tricky. At my community college, 2 courses were needed to satisfy the writing requirement English 101 and either English 102 or 103. Some could waive 101 and take either 102 or 103 directly. If you’re coming from a university, perhaps the writing course you took does satisfy the writing requirement. If not, USC can at times be rather lax with the writing requirement and let you take it over the summer or something. You’ll still need to take WRIT 340 at USC though. I’d reach out and ask since I’m not sure what the articulation history between BU and USC might be like.

@CADREAMIN do you think there will be more decisions today, possibly from Annenberg?

i hope it works out! i’m transferring from a uc as well

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Are decisions expected today

There should be news from all the schools and the push from Viterbi and SCA which have been notably absent as expected. I am sure hoping it is today - they have liked the 27th for the big boom in the past (which would be tomorrow) but last year the 27th was a Wed, so odds seem pretty good.

I wish the final holdouts the best of luck - I know you will get news and then vanish on to your lives, hopefully at USC! But remember a rejection only defines you in what you do with it - that is up to you. Never let the decision of a school make you feel you are not awesome. It’s a numbers game folks, there are too many good candidates for the spaces available, that’s all. If you get in and attend, great, if you go elsewhere great, if you don’t get in, you are meant for another path that could lead to your new best friend, a soul mate, the perfect career - you don’t know - that’s half the fun - taking the path before you and seeing what happens, and that you make happen, along the way.

It’s a great school but it’s just a school, your future is yours to define, not theirs. Make **** happen wherever you are.


Timing of the UCLA housing app doesn’t matter. As long as it’s in by the deadline. This year they’re expecting near full occupancy. Most likely freshman will get priority followed by new transfers. Existing students would be last.


Really how do you know this?

ive been stressing out bc i feel like i could have been smarter at chosing my classes :(( anyone else?

i think everyone at this point is going through their doubtful phase. Its normal.


did y’all see any bio admits on Monday?

there probably was but keep in mind those who were notified Monday were transfer scholarship holders (there are only 40 spots for the scholarship)