2021-2022 USC Transfer

Are there any TTP applicants here who already submitted their SGR’s that are waiting for a decisions?

Ahhh I see what it means thank you. I don’t end school until June 25 anyways so i don’t have my spring grades. But I did update my winter grades a few months ago.

yea me

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do you guys think we will hear something today?

if we don’t they’re really pushing it


I feel Like we will hear Friday tbh

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I hope so, but no one knows. Only time will tell… The pain :sob:


Either the office of admissions at USC can choose to get it done Friday and enjoy their Memorial Day weekend (and so will we, that is if we receive a good decision) OR they can prolong it til May 31st and make us suffer while we are unable to enjoy Memorial Day weekend lol.

BUT just as a FYI for SGR peeps, I would say to expect a decision after May 31st tbh cause their whole decision timeline is very delayed from previous years.

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Lol they aren’t waiting till after impossible

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Today or tomorrow. They won’t wait till Friday. Too risky for technical error before a holiday weekend.


@CADREAMIN have students from previous years have their sgr disappear off of their checklist? any idea what this could entail?

Do you think all the schools will come out at once?

good luck guys!


I can’t wait until USC actually gets back to us and this thread is bopping off with a ton of acceptances!


Random question for those whose SGRs disappeared. Are you all Viterbi or other majors.

Don’t usually get into these conspiracy theories but what they heck, I’ll play the game. What else is there to do while waiting?


Lol it’s crunch time from the looks of it they don’t have a choice. They will just release them all through the night I’m guessing idk

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I’m in viterbi! submitted my grades on 12th may


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I have a feeling we will, but that means nothing… :wink: just a feelin’.

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any possibility Marshall could come out tonight?