2021-2022 USC Transfer

yes its very possible… people are accepted without a SGR


yeah, it is! typically you get a SGR or admission decision by may 31st.


thanks all :slight_smile: ur all so helpful


Well the date you got your SGR doesn’t really matter, the date you actually upload your final Spring Grades is what matters.

This is a stupid question. What is an SGR? I never got one.

Agreed. Feel like it means something

Spring Grade Request. It’s basically given to applicants who USC believes they need more information from, so they want to see their Final Spring Semester Grades before making a decision. Also, that was not a stupid question at all lol. Nothing is ever a stupid question. :smiley:

i’m really hoping it’s today. all my predictions have been wrong this transfer season so :woman_shrugging:


good luck :slight_smile: sending you good vibes! <3


best of luck to everyone! you all deserve the world


My original SGR said I had until July 1st to respond. I submitted right away of course, but that date indicates that decisions could come in well into July.

i haven’t gotten an SGR, either!!!

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I’d assume they had received it because they can’t review your application unless you provide them a winter grade and they would’ve probably notified you by now if they hadn’t received it because I think they’re done reviewing applications.

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yea and remember to breath!!

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I know but i uploaded my final spring grades on may 4th. i’ve heard people typically hear back 2-3 weeks after submitting, so anything after the 31st would be 4 weeks. waiting is killing me!

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Well the email states that we need to respond by July 1st cause if people on quarter system schools receive a SGR, they will most likely get a response mid-July cause they end in late June. So the July 1st deadline for SGR’s is more for people who won’t receive their final spring grades until much later.

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Yup, I totally feel you. But I really don’t think any of their previous patterns or trends are following this year. This year, the decisions and the timeline is so unpredictable.

Cool. Hopefully we get a decision within the suspected 2 week time period after submission

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True. My daughter got SGR way back in April and her current school does not end till mid June

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Also, I don’t know if the time you released your SGR request is an indicator of anything, cause USC says they review all applications at once, but people who received SGR requests way back in April, and then those receiving then now, there has got to be a reason for that?? Idk lol.