2021-2022 USC Transfer

also not all transfer legacies necessary apply freshman year, and that’s the only way to get ttp

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you’re right

Is 5:15 the time to look out for tonight?

That’s when a few people have heard back and I think it goes until about 8 PM

Got it! Thank you

Someone said their AO told them that they’re not releasing anything tonight so I wouldn’t be too hopeful for 5:15

Or anything at all today

I know this is so stupid. Good chance we get SGR whenever we find out next week then we’d have to wait till August :sleepy:

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Not saying this will happen to everyone, but my friend found out the beginning of July that he got accepted after submitting his SGR mid-June

You are an adult and a parent. You are taking out your raging disappointment over your daughter’s USC rejection on hardworking and innocent parties. It needs to stop.


Ah, so this person is known for being rude in the forum?

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Do not pay attention to what this person said to you. Your question was valid. The issue is them, not you.


My apologies if I triggered anyone!

Guys pls chill out. Ignore this person or we will be put in slow mode like yesterday. We dont want that today since today is a big day


Agree. Which is why I did not flag.

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my sgr disappeared but still hasn’t reappeared. anyone else in this situation? withdraw button is still there. want at least a few replies

You can be a legacy or you can be a legacy that did not accept TTP after freshman rejection. In which case you would just be a legacy applicant but not TTP, so it was a good and valid question.

All questions are good questions, not everyone is expected to be an expert, that is why this brain trust gathers on this forum, to share what we each know!


What is the sgr?

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Spring grade request!

What is TTP? :sweat_smile: