2021-2022 USC Transfer

SGR reappeared today as well

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Congrats Cal for CS is outstanding!

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For the people whoā€™s SGRā€™s are reappearing, did you guys submit your final SGRā€™s a while ago or recently?

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OUTSTANDING! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:WELCOME TO THE BAY!

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the fact that our decisions have all been made already, set and stone, and are just the push of a button away is making me so NERVOUS
bestest of luck to everyone, whatever the outcome, big things are ahead of us all


AHA! So we have you to thank for that :rofl:
Boy, that was something! I remember my student barging in stating he got in and ranting about some withdrawal button glitch. I was skeptical, to say the least, and when decision day arrived I was worried. The kid was convinced he got in and I feared that were a rejection to materialize it was going to get ugly :rofl: BUT YOU WERE RIGHT! I was pleased as punch as it meant he would be staying close to home. Alas, UCLA ultimately spoiled that pipe dream and he is now SoCal bound. That traitor!


My SGR just reappeared and I submitted it on May 13


Submitted mine may 14

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I submitted my SGR on May 15th, not sure if I should be expecting a decision today or notā€¦or anytime soon lmao. I applied to Price.

Its past 5 15 here on the east coast. Time zone ahhh :sob::sob:

Are you legacy or TTP?

Not TTP or legacy, but Iā€™m FGLI & URM if that counts.

I also applied to Price and have heard nothing so Iā€™m nervous lmao

Thatā€™s not a smart question sweety, all legacies are TTP.

Iā€™m actually legacy and not TTP! Thanks for your input though!

You can be a legacy and not be a TTP. You only get TTP if you actually enroll in the program, and follow their directions when you apply for that year for transfer.

Did you take a gap year?

No, I never applied to USC when I graduated high school because I knew I was going to CC

Wow you wouldā€™ve gotten in straight away if you got into the TTP program, good luck.

I also didnā€™t want them to hit me with a rejection so I didnā€™t bother applying lmao