2021-2022 USC Transfer

I’m not having trouble, however my USC counselor had said that we are able to submit transcripts after the deadline. Hope this helps!

Did USC not ask the typical Common App question that gives you like half a dozen or so prompts to choose from? Cause I’m pretty much done with all the application and don’t know if I somehow missed that lol

I was wondering that too back in August, however I learned that there isn’t a Common App question (I’m assuming there isn’t a common app essay for transfers?). As long as you completed the 650 word essay, then the other two supplementals, we should be fine.

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Yep I assumed that too but just wanted to make sure, ty!

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Hi guys!! I’m applying to Marshall with a 3.94 GPA and a 33 ACT. Do you guys think USC is gonna take more or less transfers this year considering the whole COVID situation?

Hey guys I have two questions.

When we submit transcripts do we submit both high school and college? Then the second question I have is do we submit the transcripts with the application on February 1 or do we submit them if we get accepted?


it all depends on money and what they are going to do if California is still locked down. Im worried about how need aware they are going to be.

My final high school GPA when I first matriculated at ASU was a 2.8. There wasn’t really much of an “upward trend” to speak of. Going quickly through you post history, we do have some common ground (low GPA, high SAT).

There are some differences between you and me. For example, I applied to Cognitive Science, so my requirements were slightly different from yours. What I did to best prepare myself for transfer was to fulfill as many GEs (up to 6/8) as possible. I applied for sophomore transfer with a 4.0 (and was accepted with a 3.88).

However, you are almost guaranteed to receive a request for spring grades (unless they decide to ultimately reject you). In my case, I technically did NOT receive a request for spring grades because I submitted my grades the instant they were available.

Best of luck! If you have more questions, you can always ping me. I hope I’ll see you on campus someday (in the future~)

I just applied to USC as a Jr. transfer. Here are some of my stats

Major: Business Administration (Marshall)

California Community College

Credits: 41

CC GPA: 3.82
(Completed all required courses for Marshall + finishing up all GE’s this upcoming spring)

HS GPA: 3.0

Recommendations: One from my Calculus Professor, and another one from my Accounting professor.

EC’s: Not many really because of COVID, but I am working a part-time job.

Extra: First gen & low income student. Applying for financial aid.

As far as my essays, I feel that I did a pretty solid job. I got them reviewed before submitting and everyone who read them seemed to like them.

Hopefully I make it in guys! I’ll keep you updated. Best of luck to all my fellow applicants :v:

(Btw does anyone know by when we have to submit our college and hs transcripts?)

has anyone else’s transcripts not been received by USC?? They’re the only school that hasn’t received any of mine yet even though I sent them all at the same time

no, they haven’t even downloaded any of mine which is frustrating

What are you guy’s second major?

I’m so confused about uploading transcripts, do you upload them on the document tab? And are they suppose to be official or unofficial transcripts that I upload? Or should I have them sent to etrans@usc.edu?

Should I include my extracurricular activities from high school since I’m applying as a sophomore transfer?

Geez I just sent my transcripts hours ago since I forgot how long it takes for them to download…oof now I’m scared they’re gonna process them too late

Hey! In the documents tab, did you guys upload an unofficial transcript or a regular Google Docs page listing which classes you are taking this semester?


@thestud715 You will be fine, not too late at all. Transfer apps aren’t the priority until after reg decisions are out. The main thing is having your app in on time.

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No, I sent mine on Sunday, anyone else transcripts not yet downloaded by USC?

They took 2 weeks to receive mine. Even when parchment said they received my transcripts, it still didn’t show up in my portal. Looks like they just update it later than most colleges do but as long as parchment says delivered you should be fine

Is the “Check Status” section on the Common App accurate? Because right after I sent my USC application it said received, and a few minutes later it says complete. Does anyone know the difference?