2021-2022 USC Transfer

mine aren’t downloaded yet either. so weird because a school I applied to literally 2 days ago already downloaded them and i’ve applied to usc for over 2 weeks now

I think maybe they download in big batches? So maybe they’ll download a whole bunch on Friday/next Monday? I feel like they’re waiting to do a lot at once idk

Did anyone else hear they honored admissions for students who were accepted last year as Freshman? Those students chose to attend a different school in Fall 2020, but USC is now offering them a spot to transfer in as a Sophomore for Fall 2021. Is that normal? And how do you think that will effect transfer acceptances this year?

Are you talking about the TTP - the Trojan Transfer Plan? That’s not how it works (it encourages certain students denied as freshman to apply) but that’s the only thing I can think of that may be getting confused here…

Hi! Any advice for the artist statement for the roski portfolio? I am transfer applying as a Design major.
Here is the question:
"Please provide a concise statement describing your interest, experiences, and influences in art and design. What are your goals for studying design at USC?

Your statement should tell us about you and your interest in design. Include information about what inspires you. What does your artistic/design process look like? How have your experiences contributed to your decision to study design. How do you assert your own unique point of view when you make something?"

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Not the TTP. They were extending the offer if XXX is interested in transferring in the fall. I know other schools are doing the same and even honoring scholarships. I am not sure if it is a blanket offer or selected students. But that’s all I know right now. There were lots of kids who took a gap year or deferred.

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To anyone worried about transcripts not arriving in time, I asked a USC transfer counselor and they said they don’t start looking at transfer applications until March. So I think we’re all good lol.


Hey guys, I have a quick question on letter of recommendations. I am currently a freshman at Virginia Tech and I plan to transfer to USC as a Sophomore next fall. I finished with a 3.94 through 19 credits and also am taking 17 credits this spring semester. Though I finished with a good GPA so far, I asked my HS teacher who I had in senior year for a letter of recommendation. Because all my classes were virtual, it made it difficult to form relationships with my professors and I feel that they do not know me as well as my HS teacher. My HS teacher has a better understanding of myself in an academic environment, so I thought she would be the better choice. Did I make the correct decision or should I still have asked a professor for a recommendation.

I also contacted a USC admissions officer and she said it was fine, but I still paranoid if I made the right decision of asking my HS teacher from senior year for a recommendation letter.

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Hi everyone,
I submitted my common app application yesterday, and now I am seeing on the USC portal that I can upload the requested documents. Can I just upload my official transcript from my computer? or do I need my college to send it out to USC?

You have to submit official transcripts, the section you are talking about is for when/if they request for spring or winter grades. Other than that, all transcripts (high school and college) must be official and sent from the institution. The reason for that is USC does not ask for classes and grades on common app so they need official transcripts.

To everyone worried about the applicant portal saying that your transcripts are still awaiting, both high school and college transcripts can take up 3-4 weeks to fully process, so it is fine if they come in past the February 1st deadline. I received this information from my USC counselor. All the best and fight on!


I also applied as a transfer design major too! You should try to approach this question in a way that explains what your portfolio pieces are about and what moves you to create that kind of art. The point of this essay is to highlight your interests, experiences, and influences in art and design. I would also mention what kinds of art mediums you like to use and why using that medium (Charcoal, graphite, paints?) helps you get your vision across. Hope this helps in some way!

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Oh okay, thank you so much! Good luck! :slight_smile:

Thank you, Same to you! Roski tends to be vague with the prompts and information they put out, so I understand why it could be hard or confusing. Again, hopefully, this helps. I looked at example essays of what others wrote to get a better sense of the essays.

Do you think USC will send out admissions decisions for transfers in mid-April like they did last year? @CADREAMIN ? So far, my GPA is at a 3.9 and I am in Phi Theta Kappa with all A’s, trying to enter USC as a junior from my community college.

@creativetrailblazer There is always a first wave in mid-April (around April 20 last year and April 12th the year before that), but many many many don’t get accepted until after May 1st and some results drag all the way to mid July (likey to take longer if student gets an SGR). I hope you hear early, but plan on possibly not knowing for awhile and remember, double booking isn’t the big deal as a transfer like it is as a freshman. You risk losing a deposit, but you can also ask a school for an extension on your decision date if you need and don’t want to waste a deposit on a “maybe attend if nothing better comes along” school. You are unlikely to need an SGR (unless you have critical major courses this semester, but even so you may not get one if you have long history for them to review and high gpa), but timing can also depend on school and if they need to see freshman acceptance enrollment in certain programs, overall yield, how many apply as transfers to each program - lots of factors in play.

Good luck!

CADREAMIN…what is an SGR?

Semester Grade Report

ooohhh-thank you!

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SGR = Spring grade request. It slows down results if they need those grades as some student’s spring quarter or semester can go until mid June.