2021-2022 USC Transfer

no you can do it on any website

LMAO, the website developer just put it there just in case lol. My college transcripts still say awaiting and I have that.

do you have commit to enroll?

Yeah, just did the Google chrome view page source thing that you said.

I have it too but I don’t think it means anything, I have it in like three places

@avahidy7 Viterbi TTP here! Got a SGR.

I applied for CS. I had one B in a physics course last semester, and also took a programming course over the winter. I’m also taking the second required English like @CAsurfer123 this semester so it comes as no surprise I got SGR along with the fact I’m taking Calc 2 this sem as well.

For anyone wondering the SGR appears underneath the other documents that had those green check marks, except it’ll appear as that red X and say “spring grade request”


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Thank you so much for this insight and good luck on your SGR! Still no updates for me but maybe that’s a good sign since I completed calc 2, english requirement and major related course in the fall semester?

Honestly sounds like you have it in the bag with the calc 2 and English done in fall! If you got above a 3.7 literally I see nothing that you have to be nervous about! And thanks! Im on track to end with a 4.0 so I’m even more motivated now.

did anyone that has ttp take a winter class? If so did you send your grade or are you waiting?

wait what this didnt work for me how did you do this? lol

have any non TTP applicants heard anything?


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I did. took a CS course and got an A so I sent it like a month and a half ago soon as I got it as unofficial winter on the portal since it only helps.

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do you think i should send mine now or it’s too late? I got an A too.

Nope! Lol we are the bottom of the barrel

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non ttper but dont see anything about sgr on the portal yet… idk what this means lol.

EDIT: nvm just saw only ttpers have heard for sgr

In the FAST portal, where it says application in review, it says that “Financial Aid Summaries for transfer students will be released in early May”. So… Is the May 31st date still true then? :thinking:

They have until 31May to respond with an SGR, acceptance or rejection, it does not mean we cannot hear sooner than that.


I just find it interesting