2021-2022 USC Transfer

Hi guys. Does anyone here is a non-ttp but a legacy and haven’t received the decision?

Me, I’m a freshman transferring as a sophomore with a 4.0 that hasn’t gotten an update.

Also, I’m legacy

I hope we get one soon! Good luck to you. Which major are you applying to? I’m applying to marshall :slight_smile:

I’m Marshall too!! Does anyone know what their acceptance rate is for Marshall in particular? I heard its pretty high.

I think it’s 26%

is one of your parents a trojan as well?

do you mind sharing your stats?

My sister is graduating from USC this year. I had a 3.3 weighted GPA in high school. I had a 4.0 in fall and have a 4.0 in spring at a CC in California. I have had a few good jobs and was team captain of Cross Country and Track. A few other volunteer opportunities as well. I’m hopping that since I’m completing more than 30 credits by the end of spring that they will over look my weak high school grades. I did calculus last semester and I’m doing English this semester. It’s really going to come down to how heavily they look at my high school gpa.

Dude! we have a lot of similarities! I’m transferring from cc with a 3.96 GPA and I had a 3.5 GPA in high school. I hope we’ll get our decision soon! I can’t wait any longer.

Are you waiting for ucla as well?

Lol, sounds epic. I’m transferring as a sophomore so I don’t think I had enough credits to transfer to UCLA. If I don’t get into USC this year I’ll for sure be looking at transferring to more UC’s

If anyone is looking for housing once you get a decision, my older sister recommends checking Facebook groups for good deals on housing. Just search “USC Housing” on Facebook. It’s always difficult to find good deals last minute for transfers. Good Luck!!


This!!! There are like 4-5 major groups. I’m also looking for a roommate if I get in, so pm me if you need a female and we can see if we’re compatible!

Hey guys I kind of have a random question wondering if anyone knows the answer to this… since registration for Fall 2021 classes opened for students at the end of March, what happens for transfers? I mean wouldn’t most the classes be full by then or does anyone know how this works??

I think they leave some spots open just for transfer students. But I’m not 100% sure. Also I’ve read that in USC you would always be able to get into your major classes except maybe have a different prof than you would like

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You won’t have a problem getting classes, they may not be at the time you want or if a GE, you may not have your choice of the really “cool one” but you will have options. Your advisor can help if its mission critical type of thing. You can also reach out to a professor, but generally speaking, getting classes won’t be a problem. You should look at old schedules however, as some classes may only be offered during fall OR spring, so you need to keep eye on that particularly if a pre-req in your major.

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Hey, congrats to everyone that got accepted! I am new here and have a question: I have yet to submit some financial aid documents, could this be delaying my decision?

No. The financial aid process and admissions process work apart from each other. One doesn’t influence the other.

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I talked to financial aid about this, I had a document that hadn’t been accepted yet and she said that it doesn’t. They accept applicants first, then they worry about financial aid. A quick word of advice is to get those documents in soon so they can calculate how much aid you are getting if you get in.

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Thank you! this helped calm my anxiety a bit haha.