2022 Admissions Decisions

Hey guys I didn’t see a post yet for this so I thought I’d make one. What have people heard about the timing for early action decisions?

I heard 5:30 today but im not positive that’s true

Admissions office said it should come out in the next few days (didn’t specifically say today). Good luck to all of you.

I heard 5 o’clock today. I also called admissions and they said within the next few days as well.

I was told that it is today, not sure of what time however.

From what I have seen from the forums from year’s prior, they usually come out on fridays.

5 pm central time or eastern time?

When you log into your myWU account, does it say early action period or first notification period for you guys? Friends called admissions and they said waves all weekend, so I’m assuming today and tomorrow, first wave being tonight.

This is what mine says: Your application will be reviewed by one of our admission counselors as a part of our early action period. During the review we may request additional materials. You will be notified by email when a decision is made so that you can check back here for updates on your application status. Visit our web site to view decision notification dates.

Mine says early action period, how about you?

Also, what do the different waves mean? Like is the 1st wave for people who applied earlier?

@radkm19 where do you see that?

Do in-state students get notified first? Seems that’s how they’ve done it in past years.

On the myUW page --> Student Center. @mwmcm2 I don’t think when you applied matters, I think it is random


Im an out of state applicant and where it used to say “early action” just changed to “first notification period”.

I’m in state and mine also changed to “first notification period”. (I applied at the beginning of October like oct 10 if anyone was wondering)

Site is down for me right now, assuming that means decisions are going to be up very soon. Good luck to all!!

does anyone know if this is real or just a rumor?

it’s real. admissions office confirmed decisions tonight and weekend.