2022 Admissions Decisions

How does this work? Do they send an email or do you just log in? Good luck to all!

Direct Admit to Business School
3.99 UW GPA
4.32 W GPA
33 ACT

Computer Sciences (Letters and Sciences)
3.7 UW
3.93 W
33 ACT

any international applicants who got accepted???

Computer Science
3.95 UW
35 ACT

In state, 3.65 GPA, 27 ACT, Dual-Enrolled at UW Madison already

Accepted with 3.6 and 33 ACT

My Son:

Accepted to College of Engineering for ME
MN Resident
GPA UW 3.95
ACT 35
SAT Subject: Math II 800, Chemistry 780

Accepted to L&S (undecided)
GPA UW 3.59
ACT 32

Accepted into L&S
GPA: 3.72
ACT: 27
I’m really involved with extracurriculars.

Online it says people should be find out by the end of January.

I was accepted friday into L&S, OOS with a weighted 4.3 GPA and an ACT of 30

Son was accepted on Friday to Computer Engineering
1470 SAT 800 Math 670 Reading
3.8UW 4.5W

Because early action was released so early when might deferral decisions come back?

I just called the admissions. Apparently, there are still a lot of people who have not received their decision yet!!!

Kiddo accepted. 3.94 un weighted. 28 ACT. Tons of extracurric. 400 volunteer hours. In-state. Applied 12:00 a.m. Oct 1. Letters and Science.

let me know when you find out
when def will find out

Hey guys, apparently admissions came out. I got the email saying to go check my admission but it says my net id is not working. Buti didnt even get an net id. I set it up a long time ago but never got the email. I dont know whats going on. Please answer this prayer.

My kid not accepted. MN reciprocity. 29 ACT, 3.75GPA, applied Sept 30th. I suspect his lack of leadership in extracurric (consisted of mostly sports and part time job) and average ACT/grades (for this school) did him in for this school but he has been accepted to several other great schools. Congrats to those accepted!

1490 SAT
4.56 gpa weighted
3.85 gpa unweighted
8 APs