2022 Admissions Decisions


took both tests (submitted both):
SAT 1320
ACT 23 (science really brought me down, I got an 16 lmao)
GPA 2.8 unweighted, 3.4 weighted (really loaded my schedule with APs, junior year sucked! Ended with hella 89s rofl)

Really small private school in Pennsylvania, I think my essays were pretty good. My letters of rec were probably okay, I had a really good relationship with my AP chem teacher so I am guessing she really talked me up to the admissions office
ECs: I was very involved at my high school. President of numerous clubs: scrapbooking, curling, asian cultures, conspiracy theories. Captain of the JV swimming team, treasurer of senior-high at my Latter-Day Saints church, not much school spirit tho never went to a f-ball game haha but excited about what Mad-town has to offer in that category

So humbled and honored to have this opportunity, can’t believe I got in! Go badgers!

@kevchong11 what major did you apply?

Does Wisconsin admit to college of engineering or to the specific major? Do we know how easy or difficult it is to get to the major of your choice at Wisconsin? Thanks!

@Madison85 re: Post #219. My S was a direct admit to COE so I don’t think he can qualify for the L&S incoming freshman scholarships. I’m wondering about release dates for the Chancellor’s and Powers-Knapp Scholarships. Last year, my S’s friend applied RD and “Regular Consideration” for the scholarships and found out in March. This year, my S applied EA and for “Priority Consideration” of the scholarships. Do you know if we will hear before March? TIA

@applicantclass2022 For my S, his letter specifically said he was admitted to the Department of Computer Engineering.

Don’t plan on hearing before March. But, you can call and ask.

@hafamama - congrats to your son on the admit! Looks like Wisconsin admits both to CoE and the specific major then.


SAT I: 1470 (Math 800, Reading 670)
SAT II: Math level II 800, Physics 780
Toefl: 105
GPA/Rank: N/A, our school does not calculate GPAs or rank students. (generally not bad. Got all 'A’s except a few courses like Politics and English)
No APs, our school does not offer any AP courses.
Carnegie Mellon Pre-college (comp sci, writing) got A in both courses and a recommendation letter from comp sci instructor.
ECs: comp sci research at Georgia Tech; voluntary website launcher and developer; teaching free CS course for youth; Hundreds of hours of community services; Math Olympiad (131 in AMC 12 in tenth grade, first 1%);

Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Male

Will I get in during the regular pool?

Accepted (School of Education)


SAT1: 1440 (780M&660R) (first sitting)
GPA/Rank: N/A. 8.7/10.
ECs: Founder and President of a club (first of its kind in our country). Founder and Project leader of an online campaign. Leadership positions in many NGOs. Delegates at conferences/international forums about education.
Award&Honors: Gold medal & silver medal in regional olympiad and other school-level recognition
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Female

Acceptance Letter acknowledged College of Engineering and Major (Industrial).

My son was deferred here and is bummed out. But I still think he has a decent chance. He wants to major in computer science.

Attends a very competitive STEM public school
GPA is 89, not sure whether that’s weighted or unweighted but it is clearly his vulnerable spot.
ACT: composite score of 34 (Math was 30)
SAT2 Math level II: 730
ECs: Varsity wrestling team, extracurricular baseball, summer cybersecurity course at a college, summer YMCA service program, internship at a prominent non-profit
Excellent grades in the things he likes (eg everything computer-related), not so much in things he doesn’t. He is having a very strong senior year, though, so hopefully that helps.

Accepted to College of Engineering (In State)

ACT: 27 (Rading: 23, English: 25, Math: 29, and Science 32)
GPA: UW 3.9, W 4.5
Class Rank: 17 out of about 500 I think
Varsity Sports all years of high school including qualifying for state
Employed since end of Freshmen year and have been an Engineering Apprentice since beginning senior year at a local manufacturing company
All classes are basically advanced
I assume my essays and my letter of rec. were good lol

COE Accepted
Applied to Major: Materials Science & Engineering
GPA: 3.75 (in a 4.0 conversion scale)
Weighted GPA 4.21
ACT: 32 SS:33

Indian Male from Minnesota
8 APs and have never taken a non-honors/non-AP class.
(With the intent of informing) Finished math classes through Calc 3- highest math class in my school.

I was accepted out-of-state for Biochem! My aid package is just student loans though… Does UW-Madison require the CSS, or do they only use FAFSA and I’m just not gonna go here? lol

If you’re looking for an affordable education, it would be wise to attend your own state school. UW-Madison is one of the few flagship public universities remaining that don’t buy OOS. Lol. The only thing they owe anyone is an education.

@shangyit Deferred too. Similar SAT/TOEFL. Anyone knows what chances do we stand to get admitted? Thanks.

FAFSA only, no CSS.

UWDaughters - curious if you have advice about demonstrating case. Son was deferred and wrote a letter. Wondering what else to do. He has a very low-key guidance counselor who says “nothing - just wait.” Wondering if there are other suggestions out there that demonstrate interest without being an undesirable stalker.

At this stage in the admissions process UW has admitted those who would get in regardless of how many more applicants apply by the deadline. Likewise they have outright rejected some. That vast middle pool has to wait until UW has a chance to review all applications submitted by the deadline coming up. No worse than waiting for a decision from schools that make everyone wait until March or so. There will be top students who wait to hear about early decision from other schools to apply, or finally get around to it (with parental pressure as I recall).

Accepted (Chemical Engineering)

ACT: 25 (E-34 M-34 S-36 R-36 W-12)
SAT II: Math II 800, US History 800, Chemistry 760

GPA/Rank: 4.4, UW 3.87, Top 5% (~20/425)
10 APs: 5s (Human Geography, World History, Statistics, Computer Science A, US History, English Language, Psychology) 4s (Chemistry, Spanish Language, Microeconomics)
Current Classes:
Art History, Comparative Government/Macroeconomics, Literature, Physics C, Seminar (All AP)
ECs: Speech and Debate (Chapter Board, top 10 national finalist in JSA Governors’ Gavel) Boys State 2017, Piano (Performed in MTAC State Convention 3 consecutive years) FRC Robotics (Scouting/Strategy Lead) National Honor Society.

Ethnicity: Hispanic
Gender: Male

ACT score? 35 or 25? Numbers don’t add up.