2022 Admissions Decisions

Has anybody called the admissions office to confirm if decisions are being released today?

I just called the UW Admissions office. The person I spoke with said they have not announced a decision release date yet but she would encourage checking the portal over “the next couple of days” because decisions “might be out very soon.”

So hopefully that’s a hint at today? I feel like they only release decisions on Friday’s so I’m hoping it’s today!

That’s my take. I obviously couldn’t tell over the phone, but it sounded like there was a sly smile when the person said “out very soon.” And since “the next couple of days” includes the weekend (when almost no schools release decisions), that does potentially bode well for today.

The Student Center changed back to normal again, am i the special one or everybody’s changed

Mine still looks the same. What do you mean by changed back to normal?

Yep mine is back with that blank column as well.

do you still have the enroll column?

My son has the empty column as of today, I believe? He also has the course enroll box. I’m really hoping this is a good sign! Good luck to all of you.

Yes still have enroll column

Did anyone else get emails today talking about the UW foundation or financial aid?

My son did not.

Just talked to an admissions rep, she said they have been adding the column to everyone’s slowly, doesn’t indicate anything as of now. They are looking to release decisions soon, they DO release decisions over the weekends.

Where is this empty column located? Is it the smaller rectangle column at the end of my applications in the admissions section? My daughter also received the same email this morning referring to theUW foundation and financial aid.

Yes, and not entirely sure about the financial aid emails yet, I received them but do not think they mean anything as to admission

Did you ask her about the uw foundation financial aid email sent out this morning?

Yes, but she did not really specify if it meant anything.

Did everyone else receive the email about the UW foundation and financial aid this morning?

And onwisconsin, was that a yes to the location of the new column that everyone has been so excited about?

Yes, that is the location of the column.

Thank you, and good luck to everyone.