2022 Admissions Decisions

Direct admit to Business School
In State
GPA- 4.0 UW, 4.5 W
ACT- 28
Rank- 14 of 450
Classes- all IB core classes and advanced/weighted electives
EC- NHS, DECA, Spanish Club, Varsity Vball Captain, Club Vball
Work- run my own lawn care business and marketing assistant
Common App essay- showed my interest for photography and cultures in other countries as well as my own

Applied in August. Still haven’t heard back.

My oldest son was deferred and then accepted the first week of March. He graduates from UW this weekend, I think over half of kids deferred eventually get in. Don’t lose hope!

ACCEPTED - Out of State
GPA UW: 4.0 W: 4.73
11 AP classes upon graduation
Lots of extracurriculars

I agree with message from cargr44. Our oldest daughter was deferred, but graduated last spring with an accounting degree and continues at Madison now while doing her master’s. She truly excelled at Madison. Your mindset needs to be that there are 500 deferred students and 250 slots (made up numbers); all of you are equally qualified. What will you do to stand out?! Some applicants will do nothing and they will be denied. Write a letter, get more references, make a call to the admissions coordinator for your school. Good Luck!

Do you remember how she went about that? What kind of steps did she take to really push?

The decisions are out early! My OOS son was accepted but will be turning down his spot as he got in ED somewhere else yesterday. We love UW as my husbands’s entire family has attended the school – congrats to all that got in!

Accepted OOS
ACT: 32
GPA: 3.8 UW, 4.0 W
ECs: Founder of Political Action Club, Editor of Online Newspaper, Internship with local magazine, Full-time job

Anyone with deferred and later accepted experience, please share what steps you took to reassure you are a good fit for UW. S got deferred and quite upset.

I got accepted last night!
Direct admit to the Wisconsin School of Business
In State
3.93 UW GPA
27 ACT
Top 8% of Class
Classes- 6 APs, honors courses all four years
Good ECs with leadership positions in most
Congrats and good luck to everyone!

My son kept his grades up, wrote a letter to his admissions counselor telling them that if he was accepted he would definitely attend and restating his interest in Madison. He really did not do much more than that. He was told he would hear by April but heard in early March, right after the regular application deadline closed. An additional recommendation from a teacher might help to but I think the best thing is simply making a good case for yourself in a letter. His cousin was also deferred and then accepted. They both did very well at Madison and both graduate tomorrow. Good luck!

Son accepted direct admit to Mechanical Engineering!

3.95 UW (school doesn’t weight or rank), class of 650
1550 SAT/35 ACT
Full IB diploma
Lots of extracurriculars: two varsity sports, captain senior year; Eagle Scout; hundreds of community service hours; president of school club relating to major

@genuine77 As others stated, things to do include a letter saying will attend if admitted, keep first semester grades up so that when student has to submit online in January, Admissions will see continued strength.

Broadly, the OOS students who get admitted in the early round are very high stat kids. Middle tier OOS kids are held to compare against the entire pool. There is a solid chance at admission in the spring, so encourage him to keep his grades up. It is disappointing, but many deferred students are admitted in the spring.


Bio Engineering (school of agricultural and life sciences)
A- GPA (school does not do numbers)
Private catholic school
1420 SAT (740 Math 680 Reading)
5 AP classes
Student orientation leader, Varsity athlete, Ski instructor (and racer), tons of community service and internship with the organization, chemistry club and debate club member, NHS, 4 year high honors, social justice and advocacy award

Direct admission to the Business school with undetermined major.
1360 SAT
3.8 UW gpa
5th in my class size of about 160
10 AP classes
Good amount of ec’s considering my schools size of 600ish kids (President of NHS, (I also started yearbook club), student council, class officer (President my sophomore year), Big Brothers Big Sisters, PRAISE, thespians, scholastic bowl)
Letter of recommendation from my english teacher of 3 years (english 1 honors, 2, and ap literature)

On the website it said decision for early action by Jan 2018 but it has come out now. Does it mean the decision for regular decision can also be earlier than end of March 2018?

Does anyone know if Wisconsin will send an e-mail letting me know if I got accepted or deferred?

I’m not sure if this is the actual admissions thread, but here’s my stuff.

Decision: Accepted - EA (into L&S)
SAT I (breakdown): Didn’t submit, I didn’t do great I think I got like a 14something
ACT (breakdown): 34, don’t remember actual stats but I think I got 35s in English and Math
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.9something, it’s on the low end
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable):
AP (place score in parenthesis): 4s on Comp Sci, Lang, and Stats
IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A
Senior Year Course Load: My school has block scheduling, I have AP Chemistry, AP Calc BC, and Data Structures I (a comp sci class) at a local university right now, and next semester I have Data Structures II, AP Lit, French 5, and Feminist Philosophy (college class)
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National Merit Commended


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): TA at Girls Who Code, will be a TA at a coding club at a school near me, On the exec board of NHS and Treasurer of another volunteering club, I used to be in another volunteering club but I quit it this year lol, volunteering at local library, and volunteering at a hospital. I’m not sure if the library thing counts as a leadership thing, but I volunteer there so much that the people there have me run a specific event for them every month.
Job/Work Experience: I did a computer science internship with my school district
Volunteer/Community service: I don’t know how many hours I have exactly but I know it’s more than 250
Summer Activities: Just volunteering, I did some STEM camp thing this summer but it wasn’t impressive
Essays (rating 1-10, details): My Madison essay was pretty dull, I’m not going to lie, I wrote it the night before, I’d give it a 6 I guess. It was grammatically correct and answered the prompt but it had no personality. I think that they may have liked it just because I talked about how I wanted to use my CS major to help others. My common app essay is okay (8), it shows my personality and it’s kind of funny/quirky.
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): My teacher recs were pretty bad, they were just generic letters (I got one from my math teacher and one from my French teacher). My French teacher said a couple of things about me that weren’t too vague but I’d give my rec letters a 6.

Teacher Rec #1: Above
Teacher Rec #2: Above
Counselor Rec: I don’t remember whether or not Madison needs a counselor rec but mine was pretty generic.

Interview: N/A


Applied for Financial Aid?: Yep
Intended Major: CS
State (if domestic applicant): Wisconsin
Country (if international applicant): US
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Indian
Gender: Female
Income Bracket:
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): Woman in STEM? Idk


Strengths: ACT definitely, Taking college classes, common app essay, my ECs aren’t super prestigious but I’m pretty sure they gave insight into the kind of stuff I’d do at Madison, a fair amount of CS stuff
Weaknesses: Barely any AP exams, rec letters
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: ACT
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Still applying

General Comments:
Do well on your ACT!!! Good luck to everyone else who applied!

I got accepted but not directly admitted to the business school. I’m surprised about that and a little bit disappointed. I am out of state, have a 4.3 weighted GPA, 3.79 unweighted, got a 34 on my ACT, I’ve taken 4 AP’s and am taking 3 more currently, I wrote basically my whole Why Wisconsin essay about the business school, and I’m heavily involved in extracurriculars. I know that a lot of people apply to the business school at the end of freshman year, but I’m still confused as to why I wouldn’t get in right away. Any ideas?

School of Business
Out of State
ACT 32
3.76 UW GPA