Data on UC admissions for all CA high schools

The SF Chronicle published a fascinating interactive article today showing data about the high schools in the state and how many of their students go on to UC. You can type in any CA HS and see how many seniors it had, how many applied to UC, what percentage were accepted at each UC campus for 2021.

There is a searchable chart at the top, and other searchable “widgets” further down in the article giving additional info.

The article appears to be freely viewable and is at Charts show UC admissions rates for every California public high school


Looks like the data comes from here:

and here:


@ucbalumnus beat me to posting the same link: UC admissions by source school. This data has been available for many years on the UCOP website. What is helpful on the UCOP website is that shows the UC Applied, Admitted and Enrolled GPA for each HS.


Even though the data is available on the UCOP web site, the SF Chron article does present it in a cool looking chart, and it’s also interesting to see the UCOP data put in the context of percentage of seniors that apply each year. Thanks @mikemac :slight_smile:


The Chron article is firewalled for me, on more than one browser. :frowning_face:

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This type of data is great, but in the end not of much value in determining probability of acceptance. Even Naviance scatter plots which provide admissions decision vs. w/ GPA & test score data points is of limited value without knowing to which school/major the applicants applied. Some excellent high schools have exceedingly small acceptance rates, but part of that is there are few first-generation applicants and CS/engineering applicants are a high %, so it is hard to compare between high schools as well.

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Post #1 by @ucbalumnus with link now includes source-school data for those who’ve entered the UCs for the 2022-23 school year. This information, because it’s so voluminous, is generated and includes the latest information one year previous to the date it’s updated. So if it says 9 Feb 22 for an update, then the latest info it has is for the class entering in 2021. Lots of changes are occurring, with all UCs enrolling more CA students for 2022.