2023-2024 USC Transfer

I created a discord for 2023 - 2024 USC Transfers linked below!

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Do everyone got the email regarding the" Transfer Self-Reporting Tool for USC applicants"


It said I was 1 step closer to a decision after submission

I got it and filled it out. seems like a more organized way to submit your classes n stuff rather than the google doc.

Yep everyone gets the email. If you haven’t gotten it try checking your spam folder.

I am assuming it says that because they are just testing it out this year and it will actually be required in the following years. Hence those who do it in following years will be a step closer to a decision after submitting it.

we filled it out for the past 3 years and all 3 were rejected even after appeals for 2years each. Since 4th one got TTP and is abroad, expecting she will get in w/o SGR since she did 15 transferable units in highschool, 24 summer after and 27 in fall w/ overall 3.7.

Does anyone know if USC will accept an updated transcript? My school offers late-start classes that began on March 20 which is a month after I submitted my application. I decided to take one for a recommended major class but it won’t show on the transcript I submitted back in February.

I would contact them for something like this, but I’m sure they’d accept it.

Definitely. Can’t you upload it to your portal? Regardless, you should also send it to your advisor and let them know you took that class.

Okay, thanks. I talked to an advisor about it and she said it was okay so I just submitted a new one the same way as the original through Parchment.

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Discord & CC indicate TTP’s got in April 20 last year. USC TRANSFER (2022-2023)
USC TRANSFER (2022-2023)

Some found out then but other transfers (including some TTP and VP) had to wait until their semester or quarter grades posted and were not admitted till end of May and into June. So do not get discouraged if you don’t hear on first release - transfer notifications are rolling over several weeks. Buckle up, it can be a long ride. Good luck everyone!

thanks, going to be a loooooooooong stretch before we find out

@CADREAMIN Is it possible that there are a lot fewer transfer applicants this year just based on how inactive this thread is, as well as much fewer people in the respective year’s transfer discord?

yeah seems like it, can we expect decisions anytime this month? Do they come in waves or all out at once

Almost 100% sure no. USC is famous for being the last school to release decisions, usually starting waves in May, and not finishing until late June. Some people who got in off the waitlist received their decision in July.

They do come out in waves and we might see some decisions/sgrs come out next week or at least this month. However, this may most likely be for TTP applicants and not regular transfer applicants. But decisions/sgrs for regular transfer applicants isn’t completely out of the picture. Otherwise if you’re a regular applicant, you might have to wait until may to hear back anything.

Hello to all anxiously awaiting TTP. My daughter was in that position last year. She received a spring grade request in early April despite having straight As first semester at Santa Monica College. Her 2 roommates with a few Bs were then accepted to USC -Dornsife and Price - in the first wave in late April. This was nerve wracking for my daughter. Her TTP counselor was encouraging but could not say much. She had applied to Roski as a Design major - small program - so we were hoping the extra time was portfolio review. We were correct - she was accepted in late May and is loving every minute of her program! Good luck to all!

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Congratulations to your daughter! I’m glad to hear she is enjoying her time there. Were her roommates also TTP applicants?