2023-2024 USC Transfer

Yes they were.

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We should be hearing about TTP results soon! They have been pretty consistent at letting most TTP admits know about this time - I would think even tomorrow is likely. Nothing official - just based on history and if not tomorrow then certainly next Friday. Having said this, there are some TTP that don’t find out till May or even June because they want to see certain grades post after a student finishes their quarter or semester. So don’t get too excited that they are coming soon or discouraged if you don’t hear when others do.

Fro non TTP transfers (and TTPs that find out later) results will likely come after many SIR dates. Usually the TTP applicants hear first (this week or next), then some transfer results (TTP and regular) will spit out in end of first or second week in May, but the majority will come out Friday before Memorial Day. So you may want to SIR somewhere else if that deadline is approaching with no news from USC. You risk losing that deposit, but sometimes it works to contact the school and ask for an extension on your SIR. Be sure to get it in writing, but many do that as well. Schools understand this situation so just call and ask. Or just eat the other deposit to be sure (which not everyone can afford to do). It can be a very slow and long process!

For transfers, the USC enrollment commitment deposit is due by June 1 or within two weeks of receiving your admission letter, whichever is later. So if you get in May 29, or after June 1st, you have two weeks from then. If you hear this week, you would have till June 1st.

Good luck all transfer applicants! (posting duplicate of this in TTP thread)


did everyone get the spring grade request?

no did you?

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i didn’t, does that mean anything?

nope. join the discord for info

Just saw on discord someone got accepted to dornslife

pic? Im in that server but I dont see it.

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Sorry my bad it was UCB

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Just that they need that info to make a decision. Some will have met requirements earlier and not get one.

My guess is that the tuition is more substantial than the UC’s so they want to be last so students can make informed committments. UCLA comes out Wednesday.

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Is transfer student treated differently in term of financial aid? When I put in the same financial information, transfer students seem to get much less financial aid?

If nothing comes out this week, this might be the first time USC hasn’t released anything in April for transfers. I haven’t heard of anybody receiving any news back from USC yet! : (

when is the main period during which USC sends out decisions??

non TTP usually May 31. TTP gets decisions or SGR historically now.

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fingers crossed it is this week

Any idea what specifically might trigger an SGR?

Required Eng & math in progress during Spring and/or less than 30 units completed til then.

my grades during my fall semester weren’t great due to rigorous classes and bad professors but i completed all the prereqs during then. would i get an sgr or straight up rejected for my gpa?? i think my essay was good and i promised for better performance during my spring semester but im worried taht they wont even give me a chance atp

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Hi. Do you know if anyone has received a response today???