2023 Chance Me // HOPPS, RMP, RISE, etc

About me

  • Junior
  • Indian Male
  • Wisconsin (aka middle of nowhere)
  • Interested in CS or stats or cs/bio intersection


  • 1440 PSAT, taking act in Feb
  • 4.0/4.0 UW, 4.6/4.0 W


  • APS: stats, calc, physics 1+c, bio, psych, apush, euro, cs A. taking next sem: lang
  • College Courses: Intermediate programming. next sem: Data Structures, Calc III


  • First Tech Challenge (Robotics) World qualifier
  • Got to quarters/semis at 3-4 national level debate tournaments. Quartered State.

Major one: Resarch at a local priv university w/ prof on using ML on Brain signals. Will prob be submitted to a journal in 1.5 months so prob not in time for apps due by mid feb, however I have already done a poster presentation already.

Robotics, and debate as mentioned above
Some personal projects like using ML in debate, and using ML in an indepdnent study to classify cardiovascular chest images.
Freshman year volounteer cs summer internship

My thoughts/worries

  1. lack of awards that aren’t debate/robotics, but the awards I do have in both are p good
  2. all of the programs i’m applying to are rlly hard, and programs like RMP and Rise are like 10k which isn’t super affordable to me.

Programs im applying to:
SSRP (Rockefeller)

SSRP (simons)
CMU SAMS/CSS (not sure if it’s diverse background only or not)
idk more if I find some more that interest me.

hey did you get accepted in RMP. My son got a decline, he is a sophomore though and might be joining SRA if nothing else works out.