Chance me for CS please!

Applying RD for Computer Science

OOT (California)
GPA: 3.77UW 4.00W
Classes: 9 total AP’s have taken 2 semesters of computer science class at a nearby university (A both classes)
Taught computer science to high school students in China over summer
1st place in district robotics competition 2nd place twice
Leadership position in a club
Essays: Fairly strong
Other: Chinese, Male, First Gen, Low income


Your choice of major does not matter for acceptance- you are competing for a spot at UW with all other applicants.

Oh I see, thanks for letting me know. Do you think I have a good chance of getting into UW?

@karatara - early results are coming out soon so watch the threads over the next few days and note who is getting accepted to L&S (which is the college that houses the CS major). Check out their stats, EC’s and residency (WI vs. MN vs. other OOS vs. Int’l). Those are all different pools with different admit rates. That’ll be the best way to gauge your chances this year. Keep in mind that UW-Madison has a preference for in-state so OOS/MN/Int’l will need more competitive stats. Good Luck!