2025 Admissions

Applied 9/28, finally received my decision 11/20 :slight_smile:
GPA: 99.81 UW, 102.52 W
ACT: 34

Congratulations to all who have been accepted! For those who have received merit, how did you find out about the merit? Where was it included - is might be a bad sign I am asking about thisā€¦

Applied 10/15, accepted 11/20

Status Update in Portal. Click on the link, there was the acceptance letter with merit

I had the same concern because in the morning my merit award was not there, but you should be able to see it now under the status update!

Daughter applied 11/11, accepted 11/21. Trustee Scholarship, which is $20,000 per ear. Stats:

GPA: 92/100, but very strong upward trend (4.0 junior year)
ACT: 28
Editor in Chief of Newspaper, 2 other clubs, afterschool job
Likely very strong recs (her English teacher, who is the faculty newspaper advisor, said her articles have been the only ones he hasnā€™t needed to edit in all of his years on the paper)

Son admitted. 3.8UW, 4.3W, SAT 1450 into nursing. $25K per year renewable scholarship. All State Choir, musicals, choirs and over 100 hours of volunteering.

Now we have to figure out how to visit from Colorado during COVID.

My son applied in mid Oct and just received his acceptance letter. There was no mention of merit. He applied through common app and I want to be sure we didnā€™t miss a requirement for scholarship consideration.

Has everyone who has been accepted so far already received your merit award? If so, did it come with your acceptance letter?

D21ā€™s merit came with her acceptance both on the portal and in the mailed copy.

I guess Iā€™m a bit surprised that he didnā€™t get anything from Loyola. He has an unweighted 3.87 and weighted 4.5 and is 2nd in his class. And all the other NHS VP, Pres of Student Council, etc. which Iā€™m guessing most every kiddo has as well. He got $25,000/yr from Saint Louis University. But nothing from Loyola.

I wonder if major/college choice impacts merit. Son also got $25K from SLU, but hasnā€™t even heard from Loyola yet. He is applying to the Business school. We heard back from SLU in 10 days.

I would think your son would have gotten similar merit as SLU. I hope that isnā€™t a bad sign for mine. 3.96 UW; 4.96 W; Ranked 13 out of 556; 34 ACT; 1550 SAT (1560 super); 2 varsity sports; some extras and work exp.

You might be able to use SLUā€™s offer to get aid from Loyola. Iā€™ve heard that is done, especially with similar schools.

We were getting concerned with Loyolaā€™s slow response as well. Your sonā€™s letter will come soon. Josh just got his. And with your sonā€™s stats, heā€™s sure to get significant merit as well!

Josh applied as a biology major, your son as a business major, so it doesnā€™t appear that it has any bearing. Iā€™m not sure what to make of it.

This all a test in patienceā€¦

I would be less impatient if SLU hadnā€™t come back so soon and spoiled us. Iā€™m glad I donā€™t have access to portal or Iā€™d be looking all the time. LOL! Good luck!

I found the scholarship on the student portal. Have you checked there? He got a $25,000 presidential scholarship, same amount as SLU. Heā€™s so thrilled, as am I.
Check the portal. Odds are the information is there. Good luck!

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My son got his application off yesterday. Other than his long shot application to Stanford, itā€™s his only private school. If the merit aid is substantial it will be in the mix. We are California natives but much of the family is from Chicago so itā€™s an interesting choice. Best of luck to all.

Congrats to everyone who has gotten accepted so far!!! I still havenā€™t heard back yet but based on these replies, it seems like I may be getting it soon!

D21 applied 11/2 and still hasnā€™t heard back. Her portal doesnā€™t even look like its transitioned into being reviewed (still just a list of everything she submitted), starting to wonder if we should be concerned that something didnā€™t process quite right but will continue to sit tight I suppose.

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this is the same situation as me. I applied 10/28 and have heard nothing and my portal looks the exact same as it did a month ago. glad to see that other people are in my boat but I hope that your daughter hears back soon!!

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Yes good to know, makes me feel better that everything worked as it should. Hopefully you both are next up for notifications!

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iā€™m in the same boat as you and @concertsloth - applied 10/15 with no update yet. on their website, it says that they are experiencing a delay with documents submitted through the CommonApp so that might be the problem. best of luck to everyone!

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My daughter applied on 10/28 using the Common App, and she was accepted on Tuesday 12/1.
33 ACT
3.83 GPA
22K Merit